School News & Information

In GOSH we have had such an amazing time during Melbourne Cup Week: we made homemade pancakes where the children learnt to measure out ingredients and took it in turns to either mix or add the ingredients.
The photos above show you how the children really think and plan out how they would like to make their arts and craft masterpieces!! For example; Annabelle, Evie, Zoe, Sarah, Ethen , Evelyn, Aston and many more children participated in creating their very own Melbourne Cup inspired Peg Horses using a wide variety of resources, materials and improving on their fine motor skills and social skills. William, Maya and many more children got really creative while participating in the arts and crafts activity using coloured paper and lots and lots of glitter the children were very proud of themselves once they completed them.
Farmer Sam has been a real hit in GOSH lately, the children love playing it and coming up with questions to ask. Jacob, Aston, Sarah, Zoe really enjoyed being the leaders in the middle.
This week in Gosh all the children got really into the theme of the week which is Under The Sea.
So many children loved the arts and crafts activities which were :
- Shaving Cream Marbled Seashell Art- Grace, Abigail, Sarah , Jensen, Sofia, Millie and Zoe all participated in the activity and they loved how the food colouring blends into the shaving cream to make a really awesome effect and pattern. The look on the children’s faces when they were doing the activity was incredible since all of them said to me that they have never done something like this before, this is definitely an activity that I will do again !!!
- Under the Sea drawings - Emily, Elana, Sive , Ethen, Katherine, Kalinda, Annabelle, Aoife and Grace adjusted the activity to suit their interest and participation by using a variety of water coloured paints to decorate seashells on paper, another popular activity completed.
- Making Slime- Annabelle, Kalinda, Zoe, Sarah, Harriet, Peter and Evie participated in making slime but it didn’t work out as planned so this was a learning experience for both the children and the Educators. Next week we will have another go at making slime.
- Jellyfish Crafts- The children will get to create their own jellyfish out of paper plates, coloured pipe cleaners and other decorations they would like to put on.
- Everything Under The Sea- Is where it is child/ children initiated anything they would like to make, I will be putting out a wide variety of resources for them to choose from.
Fundraising for Port Phillip Specialist School
Charlie in 4G is raising money for Port Phillip Specialist School by undertaking the Great Victorian Bike Ride starting on November 23rd!
Charlie's sister Ella attends Port Phillip Specialist School (PPSS) in Port Melbourne. Charlie and his Dad (Kevin) are joining a team of 9 to raise funds for the upgrade of the School's Aquatic Centre bathrooms and Spa. Ella and all of her friends get so much joy from their pool but the change-rooms really need some attention! Many students at Galilee will have used the PPSS pool and facilities over the years at swimming lessons etc.
Please help us raise some funds for this wonderful school!
If you would like to have a look at PPSS’s swim program in action take a look here:
Galilee Parents Association AGM - Tuesday 19 November 2019 - 7:30pm
Put the date in your diaries for the AGM where we will recap the successes and learnings from 2019 and make plans for moving forward in 2020.
At the AGM this year the elected positions of president, vice president, secretary and treasurer will all be up for nomination and election. These positions are renewed every 2-3 years to ensure we have a dynamic and inclusive committee.
Annalise, Jess, Emma and Maureen have thoroughly enjoyed these positions for the last 2-3 years but will not be renominating for them. They will ensure people taking on these roles are well supported as they transition into these roles in 2020 and will remain on as general members into the future.
These main roles are a 2-3 year position. If anyone is interested in these positions or know of someone who might be please let us or Simon Millar know.
Please read the role descriptions attached. Any questions please email the address below or see a committee member.
A lovely single hoop earring and a pair of beautiful hoops have been handed into the office this week. Come and see Wendy or Tegan if either may be yours.