Education in Faith

Galilee Friday Prayer Group
The Galilee Prayer Group meets every Friday morning at 8:15am until 8:35am. All members of the Galilee school community are welcome. The objective of this Prayer Group is to pray for any needs of the school, the well-being of the students, staff and families and the parishes of Sts Peter and Paul, St. Joseph’s and OLMC. You don't need any qualifications or experience to attend. We look forward to The Galilee Friday Morning Prayer Group growing and flourishing.
Advent Food and Toiletry Drive
This Advent the Galilee students and families will be asked to donate any non perishable food and toiletries to both the StSPP kitchen and the Father Bob Foundation. This is a wonderful way we can be the 'Hands and Feet' of Jesus this Christmas to those most needy in our community. Please bring any donations to the inside area next to the school hall and place them in the containers provided. We really appreciate all your generous support!
Brotherhood of St Laurence 2019 Toy Appeal
Galilee is very pleased to be liaising with The Brotherhood of St Laurence in their 2020 Toy Appeal.
What is the Toy Appeal?
The Brotherhood of St Laurence Toy Shop Appeal is an initiative seeking to provide toys for families experiencing social or financial disadvantage.
What is the Toy Shop?
The Toy Shop is set up much like a regular toy shop might be. We set up a stall and parents are invited to pick out a donated gift that they can then give to their child. Providing the toys unwrapped, means the parents can choose a gift they know their child will love. The Toy Shop aims to help parents feel empowered and capable of providing something special for their children in what otherwise might be a stressful time.
How can you participate?
Donate new, unused toys suitable for ages 0–18 years.
Make sure to leave the toys unwrapped so that parents can choose the perfect gift for their children.
Please see the link below for guidelines about age appropriate toys:
Confirmation Reflection Day
On Friday the 1st of November all Year 6's Mrs Ferguson, Mrs Walker and Mrs Rochecouste
set out to visit St Patrick's cathedral and the Mary Mackillop centre in the heart of the Melbourne CBD. The reason for the trip was to learn about St Patrick’s cathedral and the meaning of what is inside the church. We also got to attend a 40 minute mass in St Patrick’s cathedral. My favourite experience at the cathedral was looking at all the different chapels in the church and understanding about what they meant.
We also learnt about the first Australian saint, St Mary Mackillop. We learnt about her early life and her holy life and how she became a saint. We had so much fun and would love to go again, it gave us a chance to reflect on our upcoming Confirmation.
A memory of the trip was when we went to a nearby park to play a few games and reflect on the day, but when we got there the wind was strong and some kids hats flew off into the little water pond, Mrs Ferguson had to go and save the hats. After a fun day we got on the tram and returned back to school.
Special thanks to Mrs Ferguson, Mrs. Walker and Mrs Rochecouste for taking us there and making this day possible.
Thank you,
Marco 6F
My name is Aleeya and on Friday the 1st of November, the Year 6’s went to the city to participate in the Confirmation Faith day. Firstly, we grabbed our mykies and hopped on the tram all the way to the city. Once we arrived at the cathedral, we saw lots of tourists and were handed a pamphlet of questions about the church that we had to answer. We then split into groups and wandered around the cathedral trying to find the answer for each question, then had a discussion about it after with the whole of Year 6. It was a great experience to be able to visit the cathedral.
My name is Kaavya and I will be talking about what we learnt about Mary MacKillop. We learnt a lot about Mary MacKillop and her foundation. We found out that Mary MacKillop was born and raised around the area that we had been just at that moment. We got to feel, hear and touch a lot about Mary’s life and who she aspired to be and how we can strive to be like her. We stood in rooms where Mary had once stood and experienced things that she had once experienced. For example, we got to touch a piece of wood which was used to build her first school. It was such a cool experience and she will definitely be in consideration for who we choose as our saint name.
Visiting the cathedral and the Mary MacKillop centre was a day that we will never forget. It will be a great Year 6 memory filled with lots of wonderful moments. My highlight would be when we went to the local park after visiting the Mary MacKillop centre. However, it was a very hot and windy day so, everyone’s hats started falling in to the centre of the water feature. So, some of the Year 6’s were trying to stand on the very edge of the rocks trying to fish out the hats but it was too far in, so Mrs Ferguson had to walk all the way in and grab the hat… as well as Chase. The girls ran through the sprinklers a decent amount of times and our skirts were saturated with water then we began to have piggy back and wheelbarrow races. This is a memory I will never live down and surely was the highlight of the trip. Thank you to all the teachers who helped organise and orchestrate this event.
The Sacrament of Confirmation
Please note the following dates:
Fr. Brendan Hayes to visit Confirmation candidates at Galilee-Thursday, November 21st 2:00 – 3:00pm
Sacrament of Confirmation at OLMC-Friday, November 22nd: 7:00 – 8:00pm
Sacrament of Confirmation at StsPP-Sunday, November 24th: 10:00 – 11:00am.
The Sacrament of Confirmation at OLMC
Saturday November 16th - 4:30pm O'Connor Pilkington Rooms, followed by Mass 6:00pm
Fr. Brendan Hayes to visit Confirmation candidates at OLMC-Thursday, November 21st,
4:00 – 5:00pm, O'Connor Pilkington Rooms.
The Sacrament of Confirmation at StsPP
Fr. Brendan Hayes to visit Confirmation candidates at Galilee-Thursday, November 21st⋅2:00 – 3:00pm
Father John, Helen Rochecouste and Sue Kidd from the parish will be conducting a preparation morning/half day on Saturday 16th November for the Confirmation candidates. This will take place from 9:30am-12:30pm.
All Confirmation candidates are required to attend and are asked to bring a water bottle, healthy snack, as well as a pencil. Their sponsors are invited to attend.
Here is the link for registration for the Sacrament of Confirmation at Sts Peter and Paul's.
Prayer for our Confirmation Candidates
Come Holy spirit,
be with our Confirmation candidates always.
Show them how to use Your seven gifts: Wisdom, Understanding, Knowledge, Fortitude, Counsel, Piety and Fear of The Lord in ways to help their community, family and friends.
Allow them to faithfully follow you Jesus every day of their lives.
Help them to make wise and good decisions.
Comfort them in times of trouble.
Celebrate with them in times of joy.
Reveal your everlasting love to them,
so they may grow as your precious child,
becoming everything you destined them to be.
We pray this in the mighty name of Jesus,
Religious Education Curriculum Framework
In the following weeks, we'll look at the learning structure of teaching religious education in Catholic schools. This information is taken from the RESource website. In the Religious Education Curriculum Framework, the learning structure has three integrated components: Knowledge and Understanding, Reasoning and Responding and Personal and Communal Engagement.
The Three Strands
"The three strands of learning in religious education grow out of an understanding of dialogue that engages each learner as a seeker of truth, a maker of meaning and one who lives out their story in, and with, community. The three strands emphasise that learning in religious education is more than a cognitive approach to gaining Knowledge and Understanding; it also develops learners’ Reasoning and Responding, and deepens their Personal and Communal Engagement through the learning.
The three strands reflect an approach to learning in relationship where learners come to know themselves and are valued and understood through dialogue. While the three strands are articulated as discrete aspects of learning highlighting particular modes of learning, they are interconnected and often apply simultaneously. The three strands are the basis of the learning structure. They provide the organising schema for the content descriptors and achievement standards. Each strand names a key action of dialogue: explanation, interpretation and reflection integrated into life. These actions draw you back to what students are doing in the process of dialogue at the heart of a pedagogy of encounter. The three strands are central when designing for student engagement and learning / assessment and / or moderating their learning."
The First Strand-Knowledge and Understanding: seeking truth
"A Catholic understanding that illuminates this strand is that God may be encountered in the search for truth. Truth is the horizon for which we strive, the questions in each of us creating the impulse for learning. In this strand, learners are challenged to consider their intentions, since the true and the good can only be found by the heart of love. This strand develops knowledge and understanding of the key practices and beliefs of Christian communities, both past and present, in ways that connect to, and challenge, the contemporary cultural context. It builds on student questions and wonderings to create new paths to God. It intentionally pursues truth, as revealed in and through the loving action of God and in dialogue with the other.
Learning in this strand is evident when students explain their understanding of the complexity and wisdom of the Catholic faith and its elements in dialogue with multiple perspectives within, and beyond, the Catholic Tradition. It asks students to articulate a considered point of view. The modes of learning in this strand include: exploring, identifying, puzzling, thinking critically, analysing, finding out and seeking multiple perspectives."
Each student at Galilee is assessed on their Knowledge and Understanding of the topics taught each term in Religious Education.
The Term Three unit was: 'Discovery' and the Term Four Unit is: 'Curiosity.' You might like to ask your child about their knowledge and understanding gained so far in these units of work, or ask them what they know and understand about any given topic or event important to your family.
Jesus teaches us: “Little children, you are from God and have overcome them, for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.” — 1 John 4:4, ESV
This passage of scripture is to assist us when facing the many challenges or 'giants' during our lives - Whether its dealing with an unfaithful friend, a critic, or with some unmet life goal, this verse is used to encourage us so that we can overcome any perceived obstacle or 'giant' in our lives.
You might like to go through the Pedagogy of Encounter and ask your child/ren what they know and understand about this scripture, what someone else thinks, why the church would teach this and how this can bring us closer to God and others. What 'giants' are they facing, are we facing as a family? How can this scripture encourage us?
Be blessed knowing you have the the strength of God within you:)
Helen Rochecouste