Principal's Report

Congratulations to our Grade 4 Girls!
Our Galilee Year 4 Girls have made it through to the State Level of the Hoop Time 2019 Championships. They will now play at Dandenong Stadium on Monday 25th November. A special thank you to the parents who supported on the day and Peter (Coach) and Deb (Scoring). We wish them all the best!
Well done to all the students who showcased their talent at the Soiree last night. We are very lucky to have such dedicated instrumental teachers who inspire our students and help develop their musical skills. Thank you to Trent (Guitar), Rose (Violin), Richard (Drums), Cailah (Voice) and Leonard (Keyboard) for the work they have done with the students this year. Thank you also to Carmen Carnovale for coordinating the Soiree last night.
Father/Child Camp
Some of our dads and their children will be attending the 4th Father/Child Camp this weekend. There are approximately 100 people attending the camp which is a great opportunity to help build closer father and child relationships. Thanks to James McGann for organising the weekend, we look forward to hearing all about it.
Swimming Carnival
Next Friday the 22nd of November, we are holding the Galilee Swimming Carnival at the MSAC Pool. Students in Year 3 - 6 will compete in the 50m Freestyle, Breaststroke, Backstroke and Butterfly. Prep, Year One and Year 2 students will participate in a series of fun races/activities such as, noodles and kickboard races.
Students in Year 2 who are turning 8 this year (e.g. born in 2011) are eligible and welcome to participate in the 3-6 carnival, but should be confident swimmers who are able to swim 50 meters unsupported. Year 2 students who are 8 years old and are not yet confident swimmers or are still 7 years old will compete in the Prep, Year One and Two Races.
The MSAC pool we are using is a 50m pool that will be divided into two pools.
Prep, Year 1 and Year 2 will be in a depth of 80 - 90cm. Competent year 2 swimmers will have the option to compete in the 1.3m pool. Swimmers of all abilities will be accommodated throughout the day.
Year 3-6 will be swimming in a depth of 1.3m and will swim 2 X 25m laps. Students will be organised into heats on the day.
The school has formatted all of the events on the day of the carnival to ensure all students, irrespective of their swimming ability, get to represent their House. Our leading swimmers will be given the opportunity to represent the school at the Dendy Swimming Carnival in 2020.
Years 3-6 will walk to MSAC leaving school by 9.00am ready for a 9.30 start to the races.
Prep, Year 1 and Year 2 students will be bussed to MSAC from 10.00am for a staggered race start.
The carnival will finish at approximately 2:15pm and students will return to school before 3:00 pm.
Please ensure students have the bathers, towel, goggles, plenty of snacks and water, hat, and sunscreen in a labelled plastic bag or backpack.
All students will be given a NEW swim cap in their House colour and with their Team name.
ALL parents/volunteers must sign in at the sign-in desk in the foyer with Mrs Gerecke.
Galilee Carols
Our Galilee Carols event is nearly here!
Come and join us for a night of singing, Christmas Cheer and fun.
Wednesday 4th December from 5pm – 7pm.
A sausage sizzle will be run by the Year 1 parents. You can also BYO your own picnic.
We look forward to seeing you at this Community Event.
School Uniform Update
After much consultation with the Uniform Committee and feedback received from the Uniform survey, changes have been made. Due to this, all students, including Preps, will wear the current uniform at the beginning of 2020. The new uniform will be available from Term 3, 2020.
As mentioned in a previous newsletter, there will be the transition to these new pieces.
Thankyou to the Uniform Committee, made up of parents and staff, for their many months of work. Please note that the current colours on our uniform of navy, sky blue and maroon will be kept.
Head Lice/Illness
There have recently been outbreaks of head lice in a few year levels. To ensure these outbreaks are kept to minimum, check and treat your child's hair often (boys and girls).
If your child is sick it is best to keep them home to stop the spread of germs and illnesses to other students. It is also important to remind children of hygiene practices when having to blow their nose, cough or sneeze.
Dear Parents & Guardian,
Your invitation to apply for the Galilee School Education Board 2020 was emailed out to all families today. We are interested to hear from parents or guardians who have a desire to support the School in this manner, working closely with the Principal, staff and other Parent Board members. Further details about the role are provided in the email.
Interested Parents and Guardians are invited to contact me at or Simon Millar at to find out more about the Board and the role.
Applications close 9.30am on Monday 2nd December 2019.
Warm regards,
Michelle McCormack
Galilee Day
Celebrate Galilee Day with us on Thursday 28th November.
Students are invited to dress in 90's theme for a parade at the beginning of the day. They'll then take part in some activities and a sausage sizzle lunch provided by TheirCare, our before and after care provider. The day will conclude with an assembly and a presentation from Rosemary Williamson, a former principal of OLMC and co-principal of Galilee (this will also be shown at the parents' function).
At the parent only evening from 7pm, we will have guest speakers, cheese and wine and the DOGS band playing some tunes. Parents are also welcome to dress up in 90's style. Please respond to the CareMonkey form asap.
Classroom Placements
Over the last two weeks, parents have had the opportunity to put in valid placement requests for 2020 (advertised in the Newsletter & Bulletin). No further requests can be considered as teachers have now begun 2020 placements. Changes will not be able to made as classes are developed based upon a number of factors.
2020 teaching roles will be released in the Newsletter on Thursday December 13.
New Employment
We have recently employed two new staff for 2020: Miss Sheridan McAuliffe and Mr Kingsley Hill. Mr Hill will be teaching Physical Education in 2020 and Miss McAuliffe will be in Prep with Miss Smith. Mr Hill has been teaching and leading Physical Education at another school over the past two years and completed a substantial amount of CRT work at Galilee. Miss McAuliffe is currently teaching PE and part time in Years 2 & 5 at Galilee. She has also worked as a CRT at our school and in a junior class at St Clare's P.S. in Officer.
Sts Peter & Paul's
Last weekend Fr Dean informed his parish that he would be leaving the Capuchin Order and joining a new parish in the Archdiocese of Melbourne. Fr Dean has made outstanding connections with our school and the local community. He has been a valuable Canonical Administrator of Galilee and we will all miss him. Fr John will take over from this weekend, including the Sacrament of Confirmation.
2020 Term 1 Important Dates
January 29 & 30
-Student testing days
January 31
-All students begin
-Welcome Morning Tea 9am
February 3
-Beginning of Year Mass 9:15am
-School finishes 1:40pm
-Meet the Teacher 2-7pm
February 5
-Meet the Teacher 2-5pm
-Welcome Picnic 5-7pm
February 7
-Year 4 Camp Parent Information Session 3pm
February 12-14
-Year 4 Angahook Camp
February 18-21
-Year 6 Canberra Camp
February 19
-Year 3 Family Reconciliation Faith Night 6pm
February 28
-Year 5 Camp Parent Information Session 3pm
March 2
-Preps begin full time
March 5 & 6
-School Closure Days
March 9
-Labour Day Holiday
March 11
-Open Day
March 12 & 19
-Classroom Helper Course
March 17-20
-Year 5 Merricks Camp
March 24
-School Photos
March 26
-Year 3 Sacrament of Reconciliation
March 27
-End of Term 1 1:30pm dismissal
Simon Millar
(Principal of Galilee)