School News & Information

Thank You!
We thank David Wood from Hocking Stuart in Albert Park who kindly donated $500 towards the purchase of a defibrillator.
Sudden Cardiac Arrest is one of the leading causes of death in Australia; having a defibrillator at hand can make the difference between life and death. St John’s Ambulance advocate strongly for defibrillators, claiming that they are easy to use, maintain, and can save a life prior to the ambulance arriving.
The defibrillator to be purchased will be registered with Ambulance Victoria and will therefore be available for emergency use in the event of cardiac arrest by any student, parent, staff, visitor or member of the wider community or public. In addition to the Ambulance Victoria registration process, we intend to increase awareness of the defibrillator through signage at our school, and to notify local community groups, nearby businesses and schools.
Galilee Parents Association News
Mother’s Day - Friday 10 May
There will be a morning tea in the hall and you are welcome to arrive any time after 8am. At 9am there will be a special song sung to the mums by the Prep students. Morning Tea will be followed by Mother’s Day mass in the church at 9:30am. See the Caremonkey for all the details and to reply if you or another special person is able to attend. A huge thank you to our Year 6 parents who are hosting this special event this year.
The Mother’s Day Luncheon has sold out in record time with all tickets purchased in 48 hours! A couple more tickets have become available and are being offered to those in order on the waitlist.
Disco - Friday 24th May
The students annual disco will be held in the Church Hall.
Year Prep-2 from 5-6pm
Year 3-6 from 6:45-8pm
This year so there is no handling of money on the evening and adequate supervision by knowing the numbers attending, tickets are to be booked online at
Easter Raffle Success!
The Easter Raffle was an amazing success with over $3600 being raised for the school. There were many excited children going home on the last day of school with over 45 prizes drawn!
A huge thank you to Chelsea M (Mum to Drew in Year 6 and Phoebe in Year 3) for organising, running and managing the raffle. It would not have happened or being the success without Chelsea.
Trivia Night - Saturday 27 July
Save the Date! Plans are well under way and families will soon be receiving information about how they can help make the evening an amazing success.
We are firstly seeking major sponsors for the event so if you have a business or know someone who may be interested please let us know. More details to come.
Stay in Touch
Follow the Committee Events on Facebook at
Email ideas and questions to the committee at
Parents Battle of the Bands
The D.O.G.S Parents’ Band is participating in a ‘Battle Of The Bands’ with 6 other local primary schools including St. Kilda Primary, St. Kilda Park Primary, Elwood Primary, East Bentleigh Primary, Gardenvale Primary & Ripponlea Primary.
The Parents Battle of the Bands will be staged at the Prince Bandroom (29 Fitzroy St, St Kilda) on the 23rd May, 2019. This is an all parent event with the funds raised used to expand the musical education programs and improve facilities for participating schools & help further our children's musical education. It is also a great opportunity to connect with the different school communities and have a lot of fun. All proceeds will be redistributed pro-rata of parents’ attendance/number of tickets sold by each school.
Tickets are only $17.85 online (or $20 at the door on the night) so please support our wonderful school by purchasing tickets and sharing the event with your family, friends and neighbours – the more tickets our school sells, the more money we will raise for our school.
It promises to be a fun night.
Tickets on sale at: & make sure you purchase your tix via the Galilee Primary – D.O.G.S ticket tab!!
Tickets are also now available from the school reception for $15.00 (exact change would be appreciated).
Also Visit Us at: & Follow Us on Facebook : & Instagram : @parents_battle_of_the_bands
DOGS Golf Trip
Just an update of the DOGS Golf Trip.
Confirmed for May Saturday 4th & Sunday 5th at RACV Cape Schanck Golf Course.
We are playing RACV Cape Schanck Golf Course both days:
Saturday with a 12:15pm first tee time; and
Sunday with a first tee time of 9:30am.
At this stage we have 13 DOGS attending.
Golf is $75.00 for 18 holes on weekends.
This weekend (Saturday 4th and Sunday 5th) Woolworths is doing double stickers for Earn and Learn. For every $10 you spend you will get not one, but TWO Earn and Learn stickers. Please collect these stickers on sticker sheets and place into the box which will be located in the school foyer. This promotion ends June 25th 2019.