

Family Information Available on Compass

For up-to-date information and school documentation families are able to access this via their Compass login.  This information can be found under Community | School Documentation.  Here you will be able to access anything from Forms to Subject Change Process, Compass Tips, Student Services Processes.



If families require further assistance please contact the school either by email or by phone 8644 8644.


Annual Privacy Reminder for 2022

The Department of Education and Training (which includes all Victorian government schools, central and regional offices) values the privacy of every person and is committed to protecting information that schools collect.


All staff, service providers (contractors) and agents, (whether paid or unpaid) of the Department, and this Victorian government school (our school), must comply with Victorian privacy law and this policy.


In Victorian government schools the management of ‘personal information’ and ‘health information’ is governed by the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (Vic) and Health Records Act 2001 (Vic) (collectively, Victorian privacy law).


This policy explains how our school collects and manages personal and health information, consistent with Victorian privacy law.


View the full current DET Schools' Privacy Policy here...


Welcome from Coffee on Pointe

Dear VCASS Community, Welcome back!


A quick note to introduce us to new VCASS families, and to refresh existing parents on the School Café available to all at VCASS. 


Coffee on Pointe is open daily from 7am to 2.30pm and provides coffee, food and drink services to students and staff. The café is a family business that has been operated by the Castagna family since April 2018 and as parents of 2 daughters that have attended and graduated from this amazing school, our family loves to feel part of the VCASS community. 


14 months ago, the school undertook an extensive redevelopment of the old canteen space, which has now resulted in a modern, welcoming & stylish cafe for all to enjoy.     

We provide a varied daily selection of Toasties, Wraps, Rolls, Sandwiches, Salads, Arancini and Greek Yoghurt with Muesli and Fruit which are on display in our fridge for selection, as well as a range of homemade Cakes & Biscuits. 


We are lucky to have Maria, an integral part of our family, cooking some home made specialties including Lasagne, Gnocchi, Cannelloni, Arancini & hearty winter Soups during the year. These will appear on the daily lunch specials menu when they are available. These meals will also be available as take home dinner meals (pre-orders only). 

The Daily Lunch Specials are updated weekly and the menu is posted on Compass on a Sunday afternoon, to assist with families weekly lunch planning. 


We cater to all dietary requirements, providing daily vegetarian, vegan and gluten free options. 


If you wish to pre-order lunch, and your child has any specific allergies or requirements, please contact us and we will ensure that we cater to their needs. 


Pre-orders for lunches are preferred, however not essential, as they allow for speed of service during break times. If you pre-order a meal, you will not need to wait in line to collect. We have a separate area for these order pickups. 


Orders can be made directly with Coffee on Pointe staff before 10.30am daily, 

or via text to Phil on 0438 597 611. Payment for pre orders can be made at the time of placing the order. Both Cash & Card payments are accepted. Electronic transfer of funds is also available. 


Coffee on Pointe will also be open and operate during all scheduled performances held at VCASS throughout the school year (subject to restrictions/density limits). Details will be provided closer to the performance dates. 


Please feel free to contact us directly with any questions or feedback relating to Coffee on Pointe. 


Wishing our VCASS Community a safe and healthy 2022.