Welcome to 2022!
At the end of last year, we had to say goodbye to our wonderful Deidre. My name is Heli Bayley, and I am your librarian this year. Luckily for us, Deidre left the library in spick and span condition, so we will be able to have many enjoyable sessions in the library.
“And the bean bags and cushions?”, I hear you ask. Yes!!! They are still here to ensure comfortable reading.
Some new books have been put on display in the new books section for you to explore!
The library will be open for business on Monday 7th of February, and I’m looking forward to seeing everyone.
Library Monitors
All our new Library Monitors will receive training this week.
We are still using the Oliver Library System to borrow and return books.
Due to COVID restrictions the library will remain closed during recess and lunchtime until further notice. Students can borrow books during their class library time.
Scholastic Book Catalogue
Issue 1 is out now and will be coming home with students at the end of this week.
Create an account, place your orders online
and they will be delivered to the classrooms for students to take home.
Make sure to place your orders before 21st February