From the President  

Mr Brad Canning (SVC 1997-2000) 

As we come towards the end of a very successful year for the Association I would like to take this opportunity to wish all Old Virgilians and their families a safe, blessed and relaxing Christmas and New Years. 



I have been buoyed by the great success of our end of year events and thank Old Virgilians for their support. The annual OVA Golf Day was another fantastic day, with a full field engaged in some fierce but friendly competition. Thank you to the OVA Golf Committee on bringing this great day together. 



Likewise the success of our After Work Drinks at the Maypole gives me great optimism that we can regular informal catch ups for all our members. I appreciate how busy modern life is so having informal opportunities to re-connect as Old Virgilians are very important. 


Please continue to follow the OVA's Facebook page for regular updates and news from Old boys across the world. Our website will have all details of upcoming events once they are confirmed by the Committee. 


To conclude I would like to commend Damian Messer on his time as Principal of the College. He has been a wonderful leader and a great supporter of the OVA. His Life Membership of the OVA is richly deserved. Good luck Damian in your new role as Principal of St Mary's College where no doubt you will connect with the partners and children of countless Old Virgilians!