
Hello Brunswick Nth West Community!


Well, it has been quite a week, but Sprout has successfully shifted operations to the OSHC kitchen and started making plans for the coming days and weeks with regards to recesses, lunches, meals, and community engagement opportunities.


Firstly, we would like to extend a very big thank you to Bernadetta, Naarah, Andrea, and the whole team at OSHC for their hospitality, generosity, and flexibility. Everyone has shown such patience and kindness, we are so grateful. Also a BIG thank you to Sam for all his assistance setting up our temporary digs.


So from next week, we will be offering popcorn, icy poles, muffins, and licorice for recess and snacks. Lunch will remain sandwiches and toasties only for next week and then we will offer some specials as well. I will send out an update and menu later in the week, so keep an eye out.


Once we are in the groove, we will reintroduce a Take Home Meal once a week and, hopefully a social cafe of sorts one morning per week... Stay tuned!


In the meantime, Birthday cakes are still on offer, please try to give us a week's notice, they are $20 and payment can be made by eftpos at the OSHC kitchen between 9.30am and 2pm, or sent in with your child in cash.


Many thanks and best wishes!


Team Sprout