COVID Update

Our school is committed to maintaining a safe learning environment for all students and a safe working environment for all staff. Current COVID-19 safety measures include:

  • Rapid Antigen Tests are recommended for all students and staff. Tests have been distributed through the school with an allocation of two tests a week for the first four weeks. These tests are voluntary, but we have been pleased with the number of boxes collected. If you have not yet collected any RATs and want some, please contact the office. A second box of RATs will be distributed on the week starting Monday 14th February - information on collection days and times will be sent through Sentral.
  • Positive cases must be reported to the school either through a phone call or directly in the Rapid Antigen Test Portal, so we can communicate with families about any positive cases and take appropriate measures here at school. A notification about a positive case was published through Sentral last night, demonstrating the information we are able to provide.
  • All school staff, visitors and volunteers who are 12 years or older must be fully vaccinated, including boosters where eligible. The Department of Education encourages parents and carers to have their children vaccinated - a letter from the Department is below.
  • Our classes are using outdoor spaces regularly (when the weather allows) and air filters have been installed in classrooms and offices.
  • All school staff must wear masks when on site (including outdoors), unless providing direct instruction to students. Students in grades 3-6 are required to wear masks when indoors unless a lawful exemption applies and students in F-2 are encouraged to wear masks when indoors. We continue to use hand sanitiser and wash our hands regularly and attempt social distancing as much as is possible in a primary school setting.
  • And, as always, we ask that sick children are not brought to school - even if you know the illness is not COVID-19.