Message from the Principal

James Penson 



These photos highlight one of my favourite days of the year and a very special welcome to all our new Prep students and to our new families. The Prep students have had a magnificent start to the year and are ready and excited for a fabulous year, full of great new adventures, fun and learning! A big thank you to our Prep team who were able to deliver the very best transition program possible with all of the different restrictions that were in place in 2021. This effort has certainly had a very positive impact on how our students have started school this year. 



Tomorrow is the International Day of Women & Girls in Science. Days like this are a GREAT way to think about the things we can all do to inspire, promote, engage and excite our girls in all thing’s science. Janine Hough is leading this work at our school as part of a larger portfolio focus on ensuring all girls at our school achieve their best across the curriculum and in particular maths and science. Look out for more information about this in this newsletter and in future editions.


If you have been up to the school in the last few days, you will have noticed that the project work site has been fenced off and demolition of the hall has started. The highlight yesterday was a very large digger arriving on-site. This is a very exciting time for our school as we watch the old building being taken down and a new one built in its place. 

During the demolition phase we have relocated our OSHClub into the Library. This will only be for a month and then we will have full access to the STEAM room for before and after school and during the school day as well.

The project is expected to be completed by November 25th.  The GREAT news is that there are other works associated with this project as well. These will be completed at different times of the year to minimise interruption. This includes new student toilets and additional rooms added to the back of our administration building. I will keep you updated as the timeline for these works are confirmed.


Our uniform dress code reinforces in students a pride in their own appearance, instils recognition of themselves as an integral part of the school community, and assists in developing pride in representing their school. The uniform dress code aims to promote equality amongst all students. 

We understand it can be difficult washing and drying uniforms and know that occasionally children will come to school out of uniform. We ask that if this occurs that the alternative clothing be of a similar colour to the uniform and as plain as possible, e.g., without popular branding.

I seek your support to ensure that all students are dressed each and every day looking like a full member of our school team. We are lucky to have so many uniform options provided through PSW, and I also encourage any families having difficulties providing school uniform to contact me at the school so that we can assist.


This is a final reminder that we have 4 x parent vacancies for School Council for a period of two years and 1 x casual vacancy position for a period of one year. If you are interested in nominating, please collect a form from the school office or contact me and I will arrange one to be sent home. These must be lodged at the office by 4pm Friday 11th February.


Communication between home and school is extremely important and something we take very seriously as we are keenly aware of the benefits to children of a team approach. Children benefit most when parents and teachers work in partnership. To this end, it is important that communication is ongoing and not just something that only occurs after reports go home or when a problem arises.


We are very lucky at Greenhills to have a staff who are extremely professional in their approach and who are passionate about providing the best possible education for all students in their class. They are more than willing to make themselves available on a regular basis. To facilitate this process it is important to remember to:

  • Address problems or issues as soon as they arise. Don’t dwell on a problem or spend lots of time discussing it with other parents in the yard as this can compound the problem.
  • Contact the teacher by email to organise a time to meet. The beginning of the day can be very busy and teachers would prefer to be able to sit and have a proper discussion with you.
  • Ensure that discussions are respectful and calm. It is always important to ask questions before making an assumption that is based on what a child has reported has happened. The child is only able to see the issue from their own perspective and there may be a different context that needs to be discussed.
  • Give the teacher the opportunity to discuss the issue with your first. If a resolution cannot be reached, both myself and Janine Hough our Assistant Principal are always happy to become involved in order to help ensure the best outcomes can be reached. 


We have a number of students at our school with potential life threatening allergies. These anaphylactic reactions are often triggered by coming into contact with nuts. Whilst we can never say we are a nut free school, we do ask all members of our school community to help keep our students safe by not bringing nuts and nut related products e.g. Nutella to school at anytime. We appreciate your support and assistance with this request. 


Parents are reminded that the Department does not provide personal accident insurance or ambulance cover for students. Parents and guardians of students, who do not have student accident insurance / ambulance cover are responsible for paying the costs of medical treatment for injured students, including the cost of ambulance attendance or transport as well as any other transport costs.

Private property brought to school by students, parents or visitors is not insured and the Department does not accept any responsibility for any loss or damage.

I would encourage you to purchase the appropriate ambulance cover and insurances that meet the needs of your family.


I need to remind parents and carers that our official school opening hours are from 8.45am through until 3.45pm each day.  At times we have students who arrive well before this time and also some who stay in the school grounds after that time. There is no adult or teacher supervision of students outside of these times and I request that you make the appropriate arrangements to ensure the safety and well- being of your child.   


We are fortunate to have OSHClub available to provide before and after school care for those families that need it. 


I have started hosting school tours each week at 9.30am on Wednesday as we begin our enrolment program for 2023. If you know of anyone with a child ready to start school next year, please direct them to our school website or have them make contact with our school office so that they can join me on a tour and see what our school has to offer. 










James Penson 
