Science Report

As 2022 comes to a close at St Mary’s College it has been another busy year with a number of  changes and initiatives introduced throughout the year. One of the main changes that has occurred was the introduction of the Stile learning platform. Stile is a next generation science based electronic resource that facilitates vibrant, collaborative learning with a mixture of interactive activities, hands-on laboratory tasks, computer simulations and assessments. It is aimed at empowering teachers to use state of the art computer technology to assist in the science classroom.


The Science syllabus requires a combination of theory and practical skills to be developed by all students. Fortunately, the college has excellent laboratory facilities to allow students to simulate the requirements of working in a laboratory. This year science equipment was upgraded and modernised to meet the needs of today’s learners and to ensure all equipment meets the safety standards required of a modern educational setting.


Over the years science education has changed dramatically. One of these changes has been less reliance on specific textbooks and greater reliance on computer simulation. An advantage of this technology is that it allows complex systems and processes to be observed and students can interact with the material via their chromebooks. Another advantage is that information remains current and related to real world situations. As NESA begins the huge task of rolling out new courses in the coming years, the main focus of the science courses will be relevance in today’s world and ensuring students can see the value of science in a changing world.