Specialist News 



I'm looking forward to many things this year in Performing Arts.

  • Choir for Grades 1-6 will begin next week Thursday 3rd March and will run every Thursday at lunchtime (11.40) - and we have something special to work towards at the end of this Term!
  • 34s will play Recorders in Term 2, more information on this will be sent shortly to families of Grade 3&4 students.
  • 56s will play Ukuleles in Term 2.
  • There will be a whole school performance at the end of Term 3. The Grade 3-6 students are currently brainstorming what our theme will be, and the Student Executive will vote on the final options in the next few weeks.

Lisa Paech, Performing Arts




As you may have heard, we have a new country in the world! It is located right in the middle of SMPPS and it is called HIspanolandia! All students have had a chance to come up with some ‘laws’ for Hispanolandia that we will strive to abide by as good citizens. 

After coming up with many, many awesome ideas, students voted on ten important laws.

These are pictured below. Please discuss these with your child/ren and see if they can tell you about each one. 


BUT our new country does not have a flag! So Maestra is going to have a flag design competition. Students may create their design by hand or digitally, but all designs must be handed in to the office OR sent to Maestra’s email address (anne.mackelvie@education.vic.gov.au) by Thursday 7th April.


The size of the flag should be A4 and students should write a blurb explaining why they have chosen the colours and symbols on their flag. This explanation will form a very important part of the judging process. The blurbs may also be recorded.


We hope to have a beautiful new flag soon to hang in Hispanolandia!



Preps are settling in well and appear to be enjoying Spanish. They have been learning how to say their names (Me llamo __), using the words ‘chico’ and ‘chica’ in context (boy and girl) and joining in with songs and games designed to familiarise them with classroom instructions and salutations. 


Year 1 and 2 

Students are learning new greeting and farewell songs, stating how they are feeling and acquiring language by watching and acting out a story about Lucy wanting a dog. They have also been learning a new song called ‘Los Pollitos’ (the little chickies).


Year 3 and 4

At this level, students are working towards creating a class story. To prepare ourselves, we have been singing a song about the days of the week, listened to how to say the time in Spanish and played a game called ‘Once’ (eleven).


Years 5 and 6

Students have talked about ‘the Super 7’ (seven most important verbs to acquire), listened to a funny song about sounds animals make in Spanish, started ‘la persona especial’ (the special person) and co-created a story about a boy with no head! 



week 5Sailing YR 4-6  - Thursday 3/3 2:30-4:30pm
week 6 Sailing yr 4-6 - Thursday 10/3 2:30-4:30pm
week 7 Sailing yr 4-6 - Thursday 17/3 2:30-4:30pm
week 8 

Swimming water safety Program Years 1-6 Monday 21st March

Sailing yr 4-6 - Thursday 24/3 2:30-4:30pm

week 9 

Emerald Hill Bowling Cup -Yr 6s Monday 28th March

Tee ball 5/6 Gala Day Friday 1st April