Chaplaincy news 

Claire Cheeseman, School Chaplain

Prayer for injustice in our world 

Almighty God, from whom all truth and peace proceed, we pray for true peace. Guide with your wisdom those who take counsel for the nations of the earth.  


We pray for people living in the shadow of war and injustice, where political turmoil rages; for people rebuilding their lives where natural disasters have wreaked havoc. We pray especially this fortnight for the people of Ukraine, Russia, South Sudan, and Ethiopia, for those whose homes and livelihoods have been devastated by Hurricane Ian, and for women in Iran whose safety is threatened. We also pray for those closer to home, communities ravaged by floods across Victoria.  


Grant to the leaders of the nations restraint in the use of force, and perseverance in negotiation, so that peace, justice and freedom for all may be secured.  



Oaktree Light Show  

Oaktree is having a Light Party on Monday 31 October 5.30–7pm. Join us for lots of fun with games, activities, lollies and don't forget your most FUN dress ups! 


Bring $5 to enjoy a pizza dinner.    

Oaktree Christmas Carols in the Garden

Please mark Saturday 3 December in your diaries as Oaktree Church invites the Shelford Community to Carols in the Garden. There will be a petting zoo, food truck and wonderful carols. Bring a picnic mat and get your voices ready to sing! 

Claire Cheeseman

School Chaplain