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This week we're hearing from 5/6S



Students in Year 5-6S have written about the activity they loved most during 2022!


It was amazing, Canberra Camp. Canberra was just exhilarating. I loved it so much that I was reluctant to leave. So reluctant I almost collapsed in a heap on the bus when we did leave. 

Written by: Anna


I LOVED!!! the Canberra Camp. It was awesome. I learnt a lot of information about every place we went. My favourite places were the War Memorial and the Royal Botanical Gardens. I was brave going down the free fall at Questacon. 

Written by Asha                 


My favourite part of this year was when the students in Green House voted for me to be one of their House Captains. On Fridays, when Taesharn wasn’t at school, I also had the privilege of doing assembly.

Written by: Charlotte 


This year, the Year 6 class of 2022, has been so AWESOME! I have enjoyed lots of things like Canberra 5/6 Camp and Lightning Premiership which was great. We didn’t win, but we all still loved the experience. I liked Athletics because I had fun, I thought I did well and I loved everyone’s effort for that day. But overall, this year has been a fun and great experience, and I cannot wait for high school.

Written by: Emilia


I LOVE LOVED THE CANBERRA CAMP because of all the places we went to, like the Botanic Gardens, AIS/ Australian Institute of Sport and of course and  Questacon, where I went down the vertical slide that was 6.6 meters down. We also went to the shop there, and I got Puddy, a gold stress ball and a geode. 

Written by Grace


OMG MATHS… I love maths I do it every day with my classmates. I LOVE division. It’s easy, but my teacher helps me with adding, take away etc. It’s fun to do. Sometimes I do it my way, but that’s okay. I love doing math! 

Written by Harmony


Wow! Canberra camp was amazing! I loved all of the meals that were cooked for us to eat. They were amazing. But my favourite thing about camp was the bus rides; I loved that we got to see all the different things like Australian landmarks. I also loved that we got to see the places we had already been to more than once. 

Written by Holly


The thing I loved about this year is tough for me to say, but it would be Winter Sports because I love football and I'm looking forward to playing next year.

Written by Jackson 


YES! Camp is finally HERE! Well it’s been and gone, but still. It was the best, my reasons being, 

  1. The food was amazing; 
  2. The places we went, were very informative and fun; 

If I could go back, I would.

Written by Jordan


Holy cow! Canberra Camp was so much fun… we went to the War Memorial and The Portrait Gallery and Questacon and National Museum of Australia and Parliament House and A.I.S. and Camp Cottermouth.

Written by Liam W



WOWEE! The Lightning Premiership was awesome I really enjoyed it. The reason I liked it so much was that it was great to play as a team and see how much the students have improved over the footy season. It was my first game since I messed up my leg. I really, really hope the Lightning Premiership will happen into the future. 

Written by Max 


My favourite thing about this year was the Canberra Camp.

The best thing about camp was the places we went, like Questacon, AIS, Parliament House, The War Memorial and the Botanical Gardens, doing pond dipping and looking at water bugs through microscopes. I was in a cabin with all my friends like Poppy, Asha, Grace, Holly, Anna, Charlotte and Arianna. I also enjoyed the meals, even the pancakes and wraps! I really enjoyed my trip to Canberra!

Written by Mia


I loved the Drawing Group. It’s really fun. We even did it at Canberra Camp. We do it in Room 7 at lunch on Fridays. We have a lot of people in it as well: Grace, Asha, Harmony, Anna, Holly, Liam W, Mia, Arianna, Poppy and our teacher.   

Written by Poppy


Athletics Day was the best for me because it is super competitive, and I’m competitive- that’s why it is the best.                         

Written by Urijah Saxton


My favorite thing this year has to be Sport. I loved playing with friends and having fun in a game of basketball. We had lots of fun and bad moments, mainly good moments; we have so much fun on the courts. Sure we can get a bit annoyed, but we work it out and play and finish our games. Sometimes the scores are 11 to 18, but that doesn’t put us down, we try again. Our best carriers are Urijah, Jaxson S, and Khan-Lee, as they help us get our wins.

Written by Will


My favourite thing this year was Maths because it gave me a challenge, and I like learning new ways to solve problems. There are so many ways to do a problem. That makes it more fun because you can discover new possibilities that are endless, and you don’t have to do it the same every time.

Written by Arianna


I LOVEDDDD sports days because I’m really good at sports and I enjoy doing that kind of thing, mixed with a little bit of friendly competitiveness. 

Written by Ella