Grade One


Grade 1 students have made a wonderful start to their final term of Grade 1! They have enthusiastically reconnected with their peers and independently settled into the routines of their classrooms. All classes have been eagerly practicing their songs for the upcoming school production and showcasing their awesome dance moves. We cannot wait to share our hard work with our families!



In Mathematics, we have been providing students with opportunities to make connections to literacy through the integration of timelines using the past and present artefacts students recently brought to school. By extending their current knowledge of place value, students have been able to apply their understanding to other concepts including sharing. We have also revisited past concepts to consolidate their skills. Students have enjoyed the additional opportunity to practice the different forms of time on both digital and analogue clocks. Finally, students enjoyed and engaged in many activities connected to racing within society though learning tasks focused on length, time duration and data.



During the first few weeks of Term 4, students have been exploring factual recounts where they have looked at the purpose, structure and language features of varying mentor texts. They have explored the process of strengthening their sentences through the use of different language features such as descriptive language, action verbs and time connectives. Students have explored this text type by writing about their excursion to Lego Land, 100th day of school, an experience of their teacher and constructing their grandparent interview. In the development of their grandparent historical recount, students have brainstormed questions and conducted simple interviews to collect rich information.


Integrated Studies:

Our unit of work this term is Connections - Through the Generations. Students have been immersed in an Old Time School experience to provoke questions and wonderings about their Grandparents' school life from the past. Students have also been exploring and comparing artefacts, old and new and how they have changed over time. We have been discussing the similarities and differences between the two and how those changes have improved our daily lives. The artefacts have been displayed in a classroom museum, with timelines to aide the students' understanding of the generations.