

Konnichi wa!



This term our Prep students have been learning about animals at the farm (まきば/makiba) in Japanese. They have also been learning how to state the colour of each animal. Students have been using their knowledge of hiragana characters to read, recognise and write the words for each animal. We have been singing songs, playing games and participating in craft activities to assist our learning.


犬 (inu/dog)

ひつじ (hitsuji/sheep)

あひる (ahiru/duck)

うし (ushi/cow)

ねこ (neko/cat)

うま (uma/horse)

ぶた (buta/pig)

にわとり (niwatori/chicken)



くろ (kuro/black)

しろ (shiro/white)

はいいろ (haiiro/grey)

ちゃいろ (chairo/brown)

ピンク (pinku/pink)

あか (aka/red)


Grade One

This term, students have been learning about the names of pets (ペット/petto) in Japanese. Students have been using their knowledge of hiragana to read, write and recognise the words. They will also be learning how to introduce a pet, including its name, age, size and colour in Japanese. 


うさぎ (usagi/rabbit)

きんぎょ (kingyo/goldfish)

いぬ (inu/dog)

ねずみ (nezumi/mouse)

ねこ (neko/cat)

とり (tori/bird)


BOYS:    ぼく  の  ペット  です。(boku no petto desu/I have a pet)

GIRLS:   わたし  の  ペット  です。(watashi no petto desu/I have a pet)


Grade Two

This term, Grade Two students have been learning about items found in a school bag (かばん/kaban) in Japanese. Students have been learning how to say that an item is inside (中/naka)  their bag. They have also been learning how to request an item and politely give and receive. 


本 (hon/book)

のり (nori/glue)

ノート (no-to/notebook)

はさみ (hasami/scissors)

えんぴつ (enpitsu/pencil)

ふでばこ (fudebako/pencil case)

ものさし (monosashi/ruler)

くつした (kutsushita/socks)

アイスクリーム (aisukuri-mu/ice cream)

むし (mushi/bug)


Grade Three


Grade Three students this term have been learning about the names of vehicles (のりもの/norimono) in Japanese. They have also been learning how to say how much they like (好き/suki), love (大 好き/daisuki) or dislike (好きじゃない/sukijanai) something.


くるま (kuruma/car)

じてんしゃ (jitensha/bicycle)

ふね (fune/ship)

ひこうき (hikouki/airplane)

タクシー (takushi/taxi)

でんしゃ (densha/train)

トラック (torakku/truck)

バイク (baiku/motorbike)

バス (basu/bus)

しんかんせん (shinkansen/bullet train)


Grade Four

Students in Grade Four this term have been learning about members of the family (かぞく/kazoku) in Japanese. They have also been learning how to ask and state how many people in their family.


一人 (hitori/one person)

二人 (futari/two people)

三人 (san nin/three people)

四人 (yo nin/four people)

五人 (go nin/five people)

六人 (roku nin/six people)

七人 (shichi nin/seven people)

八人 (hachi nin/eight people)

九人 (kyu nin/nine people)

十人 juu nin/ten people)


おばあさん (obaasan/grandmother)

おじいさん (ojiisan/grandfather)

お母さん (okaasan/mother)

お父さん (otoosan/father)

おねえさん (oneesan/older sister)

おにいさん (oniisan/older brother)

いもうと (imouto/younger sister)

おとうと (otouto/younger brother)


All students have been making great progress with their Japanese language skills this year! 


さようなら! (sayounara!)

Brown Sensei