Learning News

Week 6


Learning News

The diocesan wide formal testing across our school is nearing an end, and teachers have collected valuable data to not only guide the students' ongoing learning on a range of topics such as sound knowledge, reading, writing and mathematics, but assist in accurate report writing for end of year reports. 


Students from K-6 have started to prepare their end of year items and you may have heard a few unusual Christmas carols being sung at home!! Yes, the dingo apparently did steal the Christmas pudding in our latest Christmas carol we are learning for the Community Carols!. 



This week, Kindergarten students had a wonderful time reading the story There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed A Fly. Students wrote their own recounts about the story and enjoyed making a puppet of the old lady with a sliding sheet of all of the animals so that they could act out the lady swallowing the animals as we read. Students also thoroughly enjoyed reading other books about swallowing animals including There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed A Mozzie and There Was An Old Bloke Who Swallowed A Chook. 


In Maths this week, Kindergarten students have been revising the days of the week and have been learning a special song to help them remember the order. They have also been learning how to read the time on an analogue clock and have begun making their own paper clock. Well done Kindergarten on your creativity! 



Stage 1

In Science, Stage 1 have been looking at Earth's most important natural resource- water. The students had to think of all the different ways we use water such as fishing, washing clothes, flushing toilets and drinking. They realised that we couldn’t live without water. The students then had to complete a consequence wheel to show what would happen in homes, schools and communities if there was no fresh water sources. 


Joe Sullivan
Joe Sullivan
Frank Coleman
Frank Coleman

Stage 2

This week Stage 2 have been learning how to write a persuasive debate. The students were given the topic of either ‘Should Plastic Bags be Banned?’ or ‘Should Zoos Still Exist?’. From this, the students had to decide whether they were on the For or Against side. To begin writing their debates, the students had to think of ideas for the chosen argument side and research information that would help with their persuasive arguments. This information was then placed into a PEL (point, explain, link) or PEEL (point, explain, evidence, link) paragraph. Then it was time for the verbal debates! The students did an amazing job presenting their arguments to the class. Well Done Stage 2, Miss McDonald and Mr Beaumont. 

Stage 3

Stage 3 have been experimenting with their persuasive writing skills by learning how to run a formal debate. The students were placed into teams of 3, given a topic and were either on the affirmative or negative side. As a team, they had to delegate who was the first, second and third speaker. The students worked collaboratively together to write their arguments, learnt how to write rebuttals and did a fantastic job performing their arguments in front of the class. Awesome work Stage 3!