
Birthdays and Awards


Merit Awards 

Congratulations to all students who received an Award in recognition of their wonderful classwork and participation in school activities.

Merit Award Recipients
Merit Award Recipients

Aisha Butcher: excellent effort in Mathematics. Well done Aisha.

Beau Fleming: writing a fabulous debate. Great work Beau.

Michael Maughan: great work in spelling. Top job Michael.

Thea Doring: accurate predicting using hefting in Mathematics. Clever work Thea.

Harper Ryman: displaying excellent skills in debating. Well done Harper.


Legends of the Light Shine Awards

Maddalin Gardner, Oliver Shorter, Christopher Fleming, Arthur O'Quigley and Makayla Wilcox

Legends of the Light Shine Award - Compassion
Legends of the Light Shine Award - Compassion


This week, St Michael's had a mention in the Diocesan eBulletin, distributed weekly to staff throughout the Diocese. This is in response to all the hard work undertaken by students working with Jacqueline Cronin in our Environmental Champions project. It's great to be recognised by our peers for all the hard work undertaken in this area. Well done to all the children involved as we work towards sustainable environmental initiatives within our school.

Laudato Si’ Congratulations!

Congratulations to St Michael’s Manilla for being accredited as a Level 2 Catholic Earthcare school.  This is fantastic work and we hope that more schools will consider joining the Earthcare-Certified Schools Program.