Student Voice
Music Success
Andrea Lee 1B, sat her Piano Grade 1 exam on the 26th of October and received a High Distinction for her result. In the comments given by the examiner, he wrote that her pieces were “Lively, vivid and clear.” Congratulations to Andrea as this was her first Piano exam.
Maths Matters
To be numerate, students need a strong grounding in mathematical skills and understandings so that they recognise what mathematics to use, and how to apply it in different contexts and in their everyday lives.
We promote engagement for all abilities through hands on mathematics, open ended questions, real life maths tasks, while promoting a growth mindset. Mistakes and persistence are valued as integral for the growing Maths Mind.
Breaking Down Maths Language used in Everyday Maths
(Understanding of Language plays a pivotal role in Mathematical development)
“Numeracy is the knowledge, skills, behaviours and dispositions that students need in order to use mathematics in a wide range of situations.”
Mathematics The abstract science of Number, Quantity and Space.
Critical and Creative thinking in Mathematics is necessary. We use proficiencies to build their mathematical capabilities
These are intentional and woven in our everyday maths sessions. Here is a snapshot of what they mean.
- Understanding: making connections to previous concepts and ideas
- Fluency: make reasonable estimates, recall number facts, develop efficient strategies
- Reasoning: analysing, evaluating, proving and explaining thinking
- Problem Solving: ability to model and investigate problem solving situations
Growth Mindset
We all have beliefs about our own abilities and potential. These beliefs are part of our mindset which is so powerful it can fuel our behavior and predict our success. Mindset shapes our everyday lives, helping us interpret our experiences and future possibilities. In her research at Stanford University, Dr. Carol Dweck identified Growth mindset occurring when we believe our intelligence and abilities can be improved upon with effort and the right strategies.
Number Talks
Number talks are valuable classroom routine for:
- building mental computation practice & sharing strategies
- understanding the relationship between numbers by modeling strategies
Learning occurs when we make, say, write and do.
Developing a sense of number is integral in the growing math’s mind.
It is Important to see numbers as different representations
Family Maths Corner
Birth to level 10 Numeracy Guide for Parents
The Department of Education has developed a practical guide, advice and activities for parents, carers and families to help their child’s numeracy learning at home.
Recommended Books The Mathematical Association of Victoria recommends the following books for parents to read:
Mathematical Mindsets by Jo Boaler
Maths for Mums and Dads by Robb Eastaway and Mike Ashew.
Natasha Menidis 👧