From the Principal
2023 will bring some changes to school staffing with teachers and support staff pursuing other interests and moving to other areas.
- Helen MacDonald – Long Service Leave leading to Retirement
- Daniel Stiglec – relocating to Darwin
- Sarah Camier – leaving to pursue other interests.
- Grant Bowman – taking a job in a Secondary School to pursue his curriculum passions.
- Natasha Menidis – taking a year’s leave to spend time with her family but hopefully will be with us in some capacity Part Time
- Jess Roche (Integration Aide) – moving to a school closer to home.
- Emily Walker – taking a year’s leave.
2023 Classes
Last Tuesday, students from Foundation – Year 5 participated in the Up Program, as part of our transition into their 2023 year level. The students were able to listen to their teachers talk about what might be happening and were given the opportunity to ask questions. We have an outstanding teaching team and I am very confident that all our students will be well supported in their new classes both academically and socially. The staff spent considerable time and effort developing the best class structures and student placement possible. They considered the children's friendship groups, spread of abilities, genders, social and emotional needs, friendships and parent requests (which were due in early November). As teachers, we ask that you support your child at this time by speaking positively about the new school experiences and exciting opportunities that 2023 will bring.
You can support your child through the transition process by asking positive questions such as:
- What are you looking forward to the most next year?
- What things are you really good at and what would you like to learn more about?
- Who is someone in the class that you would like to get to know better?
- What would you like me to tell your new teacher about you?
If your child is still uneasy or worried please let us know so that next year’s teacher can ensure that they can do what they can to ease their concerns and make them feel comfortable.
Farewell Year 6 Students
I would like to commend the Year 6 students for their contributions to our school community over their time with us and for the passion and commitment they have shown to learning and being an inclusive member of the school community. They have been polite, friendly and helpful to staff, students in the other year levels, especially their buddies and visitors to the school. I am so glad that they got to spend their last year of Primary onsite after two years of remote learning.
It is a great pleasure for me to have been a part of their journey, many of them having been with us since Kindergarten. I have seen over the years evidence of their empathy and compassion, positive outlook and commitment to always producing work that reflects their potential. Reading through their reflections it was easy to see that they have enjoyed and will remember their time with us fondly.
2023 Student Leaders
Over the last few weeks, the Year 5 children have all been given the opportunity to apply for student leadership positions for the 2023 school year. The roles and responsibilities were modified again this year and depending on the position the students applied for they were selected by a teacher panel or by their peers.
Naturally, this is a challenging experience for all of the students involved and took them out of their comfort zone. For many of the applicants it also came with disappointment as they were not successful. However, they showed great maturity in the way they handled this disappointment.
It is important to note that school leadership in Year 6 as for previous years will not just be confined to the small number of students who gain an official position. All Year 6 students are expected to take on leadership responsibilities. Leadership involves having an increased sense of responsibility to help others and the model leadership principles and values.
The Year 6 Leaders for 2023 will be announced at the school assembly on Friday, 9th December.
The end of another year
By all measures 2023 has been a very successful year for Oakleigh Primary School and Kindergarten. I greatly appreciate the support we have received from the parent community in many aspects of our school life, in particular being so supportive and adaptable during the renovation process. I think that we can all agree that the inconvenience has been worth it as the renovated building and grounds make the school look amazing.
I thank the staff for their unwavering commitment to the needs of the students in their care. Their professionalism and commitment is second to none.
To the parents, students and staff who are leaving our school community I wish you well and thank you for being part of our school. Whatever you strive for, whatever you do, I wish you well. To our returning staff, students and families we look forward to strengthening our relationship with you and embarking on the journey of the 2023 school year together.
Our school is very multicultural, a fact we embrace, and therefore for many families Christmas is not part of their religious or cultural tradition. However, this holiday period gives us the opportunity to spend time with our family and friends and reflect on the things that are truly important to us. It is a time for ‘gratitude’ – acknowledging and giving thanks for all we have. This message I think has become particularly pertinent in the last couple of years. For many of you the holidays will give you the opportunity to catch up with family and friends. I know that this is the case for me.
Certainly, one of the main messages of Christmas is that it is a time of giving and sharing with those around us, but that sharing is not limited to those that we love and care for. It is also for the person that we have never met and will never see - those whose lives are not as fortunate as ours and could use a helping hand.
May I take this opportunity to wish everyone an enjoyable, relaxing and peaceful festive season.
Michele Nolan