Term 4 2022

I can’t believe that I am writing the last section newsletter for the year. The students have been so busy getting back to full time classroom learning that the year just seems to have flown by. 2022 certainly has been a year that focussed on engagement and connection and I am proud to say that our students worked together over the year to become supportive team members who showed kindness and celebrated moments of success with each other.
One of these moments was our Farewell assembly. This assembly was the opportunity to acknowledge the great work of all of the Lower Primary students and importantly, to say a formal goodbye to those students who were moving to Upper Primary. We are extremely proud of Ayhem, Emir-Ali, Marcus, Noah, Levi, Ninza, Lucas, Hadi, Andreas, Izaac, Lillian, Kale, Layla, Simba, Aaliyah, Zoe, Catelyn, Ethan D, Charlie, Ethan Q, Denzel, Leon, Neeradh and Seth. We congratulate these students and wish them every success as they move on to new challenges in Upper Primary. You will be missed by your friends and teachers in Lower Primary.
You know the end of the year is near when transition activities begin .The transition program has given the 2023 Prep students and those moving from other schools an opportunity to get to know the school environment, to work and play with other students, and to meet the teachers before starting school next year. It has certainly helped to make these little people feel happy, comfortable and keen to come back next year! We look forward to welcoming these children and their parents to Lower Primary, and to the Concord School community. Students who are moving on to Upper Primary also had the opportunity to visit the Bundoora Campus and spend time in those classrooms. How exciting for them!
We were all very disappointed that the Community Concert had to be cancelled due to inclement weather. The Lower Primary students still got to perform at the whole school assembly the next day and as usual were enthusiastic entertainers. The concert wherever it is, is always a highlight and a great way to end the school year. A fantastic effort!
A highlight of the term was the “Journey Out to Sea” performance. It was the culmination of a great deal planning, preparation and practice and the students were so excited about performing for you on the big stage. The performance was a great opportunity for them to showcase how they had developed as performers and to share their creative work with friends and family. All the hard work and effort that students put in was certainly worth it. They were absolute stars. Our programs do encourage and support each student to be collaborative learners who show confidence to work individually or with others and this was so evident in this performance. The way the students prepared for, and then performed, really did personify the school values of Happiness, Personal Best and Cooperation.
As this semester’s Discovery Unit “What’s the Weather” comes to an end it is evident through student’s day to day observations, general discussion, documentation of experiments and writing journals just how much they have learnt. This unit has incorporated a diverse range of activities which has extended students’ knowledge and understanding about the weather and the seasons, how this affects our daily lives influencing the clothes we wear and the activities we do. Students were involved in experiments to make a cloud in a jar, a tornado in a bottle, an erupting volcano and the rain cycle in a bag.
Procedural writing has been a focus for classes this term. Students in LPA/B/C have learnt that a procedural text tells you how to make or do something and the body of the text includes the goal, materials, and steps. Everyone enjoyed the experience of making fairy bread, paper planes, jelly cups and reindeer food. Students referred to the photos to recall each step and then wrote their own piece using a word bank and template to instruct others how to do it.
Students in Fiona, Elvin and Alex’s classes have enjoyed learning about various cultural celebrations such as Diwali and Christmas. This built on our learning around multiculturalism earlier in the year where we had a Bollywood incursion and a visit from Noongar Indigenous elder Uncle Al and his son. Students have been particularly engaged with decorating Christmas trees and completing craft activities. A highlight of the year was no doubt our performance of Santa Claus is Coming to Town at the Concord Community Concert. The students rocked!
In early December, LPG, LPH and LPI visited the Discovery Centre to explore the Christmas Wonderland. Students were enthralled in the MILE room which was set up like the North Pole. The students read some Christmas stories, dressed up and got up close with some polar bears! A photo shoot with the green screen was a big hit and students loved donning festive jumpers and Christmas attire for some fun photos. These guys love to pose for a photo! Nicky's expert editing skills produced some incredible photos for everyone to treasure. To wind down a little, the students sat and made some gift tags using colourful shapes to create beautiful work. A fun morning was had by all.
The preps highlight of the term was having a “Teddy Bear’s Picnic”. The students spent the week preparing for the big day by making head bands for themselves and their teddies and listening to teddy bear stories and songs. On Friday, the students were very excited to bring their special teddy’s to school for the day. The prep students made some healthy sandwiches for our outside picnic lunch, played hide and seek and sung and danced to teddy bear themed songs. All the students had a great day with our special visitors!
An exciting time in the Art room this term! Students explored a huge variety of activities from self-portraits to favourite place drawings, to spooky halloween creations, dreamtime inspired pieces and even having the freedom to create art of their own choosing. Students especially enjoyed having the opportunity to decide for themselves.
As a campus, there was a big focus on exposure to Indigenous Australian art. Together, we listened to stories and made our own echidnas, frogs, snakes and birds. We practised some dot painting, hand printing and symbol drawing. Students each contributed towards three main art pieces which will be on display for everyone to admire. These artworks are symbolic of Concord School; our classrooms, our location and us as a community.
Lower Primary students have come such a long way this year and should be congratulated on this! A successful year!
The Library program finished off the year with a grand celebration that was the annual Book Fair. Students, families and staff enjoyed perusing and purchasing from the fabulous selection of books that were on offer, with the proceeds of purchases going towards restocking the library. As always there was a colouring competition with prizes going out to a winner from each class. Congratulations to the following students:
LPA - Levi K
LPB - Aaliyah
LPC - Charlie D
LPD - Nathaniel
LPE - Vihann
LPF - Max C
LPG- Adrian B
LPH - Virat S
LPI - Marlina
LPJ - Oliver B
LPK - Sridiyaan
Early this term, Lower Primary Students performed “A Journey Out to Sea” for their families, friends and the Concord Community. As always our performers shone on the stage.
The Lower Primary staff wish you all a happy and safe holiday break. We look forward to working with you, and your wonderful children again in 2023.
Kath Moore
Campus Principal