From the Principal's Desk

2023 Planning Days
With the end of the year fast approaching, next week teachers will be given time to plan extensively for 2023. On these days children will receive double specialist sessions to facilitate the planning. Please note that some classes will not have all specialist classes next week.
Students are to wear their sports uniform on days of PE, Sports and Dance. Please refer to the Week 9 Timetable below so you know what uniform your child is to wear each day next week.
Year Prep 2022 Transition
Next Monday, 29th November we will host our final Prep 2023 Transition session from 2:00pm to 3:15pm.
This will be a most exciting time for families as their classes and teachers for 2023 are confirmed.
As we approach the Advent season our School Assemblies will be conducted in the Community Hall so that we can incorporate our Advent Paraliturgies.
This coming Monday our Year Prep children will lead us in celebrating the first week of Advent.
Please see below for a summary of our planned paraliturgies:
Monday 28th November @ 9:00am:
Year Prep to host
Monday 5th December @ 9:00am:
Year 1/2 to host
Monday 12th December @ 9:00am:
Year 1/2 to host
All families are welcome to attend. The liturgies will be followed by our usual Assembly items.
ABC Music Concert
Next Wednesday, 30th November, our children who have been having keyboard, violin and guitar lessons during the year with ABC Music will perform for the school community.
This is always an exciting event as our children get to showcase their musical prowess. The concert will commence at 2:30pm in our assembly area.
Library News
Next week will be the final week for Library classes this year. All Library books and bags need to be returned to me by the end of next week. I will keep the Library bags until next year.
I am also looking for anyone who would be able to make some Library bags over the summer break ready for our new Prep class in 2023. Please let me know if you are able to assist.
Thank you
Jane Wilkinson
Teacher Librarian
Fees and Levies
Thank you to all families who are up-to-date with fee and levy payments for 2023. Unless you have organised a payment plan, all fees and levies should have been settled by the end of Term 3.
Unfortunately, we still have an outstanding amount of $22,541.00. Accounts will be re-sent again in the coming days and, in fairness to all families, we ask that overdue accounts be settled immediately.
Christmas Concert
I hope you have all marked in your diaries the date and details of the return of our much-loved End of Year Picnic/Christmas Concert scheduled for Tuesday 13th December.
Gates will open at 5:00pm for families to set up
their picnic rug, join in some Christmas cheer and enjoy some time together before the formalities begin. Feel free to BYO a picnic dinner, or bring your own 'take-away'. Alternatively, our PFA will be running a sausage sizzle for you to enjoy.
In consideration to all, we ask that families sitting on deck chairs and the like set up toward the back or around the perimeter.
Formalities will commence at 6:00pm with our Christmas concert: It's Time to Sing! which seems a fitting title since it's been a few years since we have been able to conduct such an event.
Our concert will showcase the skills our children have acquired throughout our Term 4 Dance Program so 'be there or be square!'
After our concert, we will draw the winners of our Christmas Raffle (tickets will go on sale next week). And you never know... there might even be a visit from a man in red!
We hope this proves a wonderful opportunity to finish off the year on a high.
Have a wonderful week
God bless
Anthony Hyde