Carlsruhe Annexe / 

Main Campus - Year 4

,What a busy couple of weeks we have had in Year 4! Here is a quick summary of some of the highlights of the past two weeks.


This term in Science we have been exploring the nature of forces. Last week we started investigating friction. We concluded our friction lessons with an experiment to find out how different surfaces create different amounts of friction. We did this by measuring the amount of force we had to use to drag a shoe across various surfaces such as concrete, sand, grass and even some bodies.

Many of you may have been able to come along and watch the Silent Film presentations that the Year 4 students worked on with Mr Bromley this semester. Each class performed an amazing musical accompaniment to their film production to the delight of the student and parent audience. Thank you so much Mr Bromley!


During our Carlsruhe activities rotations this term CU1 and CU3 have been very busy cooking, gardening, weaving dream catchers, drawing with charcoal, exploring the effects of magnetism and sewing the beautiful bunting for the Carlsuhe Fair. Take a look at the photo attached of the bunting – it looks fabulous and we would love to send a big thank you to Jackie Hemiak for helping us out with it each week. 

Finally, the whole Year 4 cohort had a wonderful day at Carlsruhe last week participating in the River Detectives incursion plus other activities. We started by splitting into mixed class groups and rotating through gardening, cubby building and wooden pencil case making activities. CU2 kids have already made their pencil cases so they were a great help to the kids who were starting theirs. 


In the middle of the day we rotated through three more activities. Nicole Howie from River Detectives showed us how to identify macroinvertebrates from our local river and determine its health based on what we found. We also used the water samples to measure its temperature, turbidity, pH, reactive phosphorus and electrical conductivity. From these results we could also asses the river’s health status. Our last activity was making Christmas puppets and wreaths to sell at the upcoming Carlsruhe Fair. They look great and even though we are sad to not be able to take them home right now, we are hoping for lots of sales at the fair!


Phew! What a great couple of weeks it has been. Now we are looking forward to the Carlsruhe Fair and of course our camp to Phillip Island – we can’t wait!

Year 4 Teachers

Ann Ireland, Jordan Chamerski, Gayle Sutton / Zoe Hall