Year 4 Spotlight

Writing Fantasy Stories
This term students have been exploring, planning and writing their own fantasy texts. They have learned about fantasy motifs and how to plan and include one in their stories. Some of the motifs they have included are Magical Objects, Animals, Alternative Worlds and Hero’s Quest. Students have been extending their ideas by including lots of adjectives and similes. They have also been editing for correct punctuation such as apostrophes and dialogue. Here are some snapshots from some of their stories for you to enjoy!
In the city of Las Vegas, there is something tall that I can see. Something no one would want to touch or smell. As the city hears the big footsteps of the Deverover, I can hear the whole city screaming… “Help!”
~ Dylan D, 4A
Three hours later, the icicles on the cold, dry, bitter trees were gradually shrinking, as she slowly moved towards the north west.
“Oh, that’s my tree!” Owlette said with surprise, as we passed a Silver Birch, with a hole, about halfway up the tree. Owlette flew up to the hole and peeked in.
“My Notebook!” she cried with joy. She swoops in and out of the hole in three seconds, not that anyone is counting.
~ Amelia L, 4A
He felt paralysed as the mysterious man slid towards him like a snake.
The King’s purple aura around him made him look that much scarier.
~ Ryder D, 4C
I set off to find the oak tree that will tell me where to go to find the helmet. First, I stop at the blacksmith to pick up my sword. The sword is special because there are three diamonds in the handle.
~ Felix S, 4C
But then he saw something that sent a jolt of excitement through his body. He had reached a part in the wall of the cave that was made of bluestone, not granite. Aiden poked the bluestone, wondering what would happen.
~ Hugo S, 4C
A bony, cold figure of a hand pulled me and Angel into the portal. Its hand was as flimsy as paper but its pull was strong as a bulldozer.
~ Mabel B, 4C
Jane was incredibly excited to play with her deceased Grandmother’s belongings, however she was shocked to find a majestic rusty key lying peacefully and plainly in the middle of the box. It was connected to a leather string, the key sat waiting to be uncovered and explored.
~ Jemima W, 4B
The door was as rotten as a 400 year old piece of wood, it was weird because I saw that same door in my dreams. I pulled at the handle and the door burst open, pieces of wood danced around the room.
~ George B, 4B
Author Study in Reading
During the term students enjoyed reading some texts by the author Chris Van Allsburg. Here are some reflections.
My favourite book was ‘The Sweetest Fig’. I liked how funny the book was. The best part was when the dog ate the fig, and then swapped with his owner to become a human.
~ Zosia T, 4A
I really enjoyed ‘Jumanji’, because it was really interesting. There was bunch of exciting stuff all throughout the book… the lions attacking, a giant stampede of rhinos and the monkeys destroying all the stuff in the kitchen. I could really visualise it.
~ Matthew M, 4A
My favourite book was ‘The Stranger’ because throughout the story I had a lot of questions; I was wondering who the stranger was, and what he was doing.
~ Lila R, 4B
I liked the book ‘Zathura’ because it was a fantasy book. It was interesting because their house turned into an alternative world like they were in another galaxy. It connects to his other book Jumanji.
~ Quinn M, 4B
Maths – Measurement Focus
In Maths this term, students have been looking at capacity and explored using millilitres when making a magic potion, and participating in a water relay.
Inquiry Focus
For Inquiry this term, students developed an understanding of materials and their range of physical properties. They examined how these properties can influence their use in products.
Students had fun designing outfits to wear in different conditions, and researched the types of materials that would be suitable to use. Here are some designs:
~ Year 4 Teachers (Chiara, Jade & Elise) and Students