Gardening Club

Gardening Club – A New Enterprise at FPS

On Wednesday afternoons, a dedicated groups of students gather to tend to the FPS gardens – they have planted seedlings, learnt about wicking beds, and tidied sections of the school grounds.


The gardening club community
Here at Gardening Club, all Year 4 to Year 6 students are welcome to participate and contribute their ideas to the group. Around about 40 participants have put their minds together already and we have accomplished plenty with all this help!
~ Anna F, 5B


Our very first session
On Wednesday, the 2nd of November, we all met together for our first meeting of gardening club!! On that day, we did some researching, all about wicking beds. Which we are planting with over the next few weeks. We also did some research for the perfect plants for this time of year. 
 ~ Eliza S, 5B


What we planted
In gardening club, we aim to make our school greener. In doing so we have planted things like pumpkin and sunflower seeds, cucumbers, eggplants, strawberries, berries and a lot more. We just can’t wait until they blossom up and shine. After that we can gladly enjoy them and then we can plant some more plants and just redo the cycle.
~ By Sylvie B, 5B


All about wicking beds
Wicking beds. A helpful resource that we are now supplying to hopefully all our garden beds! Down below, you will see a diagram, showing a pipe, filled with water that will leak down dirt, then seep through to our newly planted seeds. 
~ By Sylvie B, Anna F and Eliza S, 5B
The Gardening Club!
Making observations
Planting in the wicking bed
The Gardening Club!
Watering the seedlings
A tomato plant
Finishing planting
The Gardening Club!
Making observations
Planting in the wicking bed
The Gardening Club!
Watering the seedlings
A tomato plant
Finishing planting

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