Assistant Principal's Report

Updated Policies

Fairfield Primary School’s Asthma Policy and SunSmart Policy have recently been reviewed by the Policy Committee and approved at School Council. These can be found on the school website.


While reviewing the SunSmart policy, it was noted that sun protection measures are encouraged whenever UV levels reach 3 or above. In Victoria, the UV levels can typically reach 3 and above from mid-August through till the end of April, however, the policy only included hats being worn from October to the end of April. The committee suggested a change in the months where hats are required to be worn, to ensure adequate sun protection measures are in place during Victoria’s typical peak UV times. This change means that now, hats are to be worn from August through till the end of April.


The updated SunSmart policy also includes other sun protection measures, such as applying sunscreen before outside breaks and if students do not have a hat, for them to stay in shaded areas where they will be protected from the sun. We are fortunate to have many shady spaces, including the addition of the new shade sail behind the Year 2 portables and at the Fig Tree Courtyard.



Last week Luna’s trainer, Kate, came out to visit her at school. Kate joined Luna and I as we visited a few classrooms and watched how she interacts with the students. Kate was impressed with how calm Luna was and could see how much Luna enjoys the cuddles, tummy scratches and pats! 


It is important for Therapy Dogs to remain calm and not get over excited when people come to give them attention. It is also important for them to have a quiet, safe place where they can rest and have a break. Luna’s quiet, safe place is in my office where she has a cosy crate under my desk. Luna knows that the crate is her safe place, where she can be alone. If you see her in her crate, it means she is having a rest. If she is laying on the floor (or the couch!), you are welcome to come and give her a pat!

With Kate - the trainer
With Kate - the trainer
Time for pats
Calmness is key
Luna's safe space
In the classroom
Time for a story
In the library
In the classroom
In the classroom
With Kate - the trainer
With Kate - the trainer
Time for pats
Calmness is key
Luna's safe space
In the classroom
Time for a story
In the library
In the classroom
In the classroom

~ Sarah Abbott, Assistant Principal