Principal's Message

Welcome to Week 8 of Term 4. 
Please view the calendar section of this newsletter, as there have been a couple of key changes from the beginning of this Term.

Enhancing student ownership of learning

Student awareness of the purpose, aim and success criteria for their learning has been a focal improvement area for Ben Venue in recent times. Our aim is to ensure that in all lessons, student have an understanding of what key learning they are working towards, and how they can benchmark their success. This is an important precondition for students to begin to take ownership of their learning.


Enhancing intrinsic motivation (self-motivation) of our students to learn, improve and achieve by recognising their individual effort and progress, rather than having students compete against each other for awards, is also a key strategy in developing students who are both collaborative, and are invested drivers of their learning. Annual student led interviews, biannual Learning Showcases and the student self-reflections that now feature in all Ben Venue academic reports, contribute to a focus on students as the central figure and, increasingly, the driving force in their learning. 


We still have work ahead of us in order to achieve greater student voice in learning, but at the end of this year, it has been heart-warming to read so many student self-reflections that indicate progress towards our goal. Included below is a sample of deidentified self-reflections that will appear on this semester's academic reports:


I do really well at sounding out words. I would like to do better at reading tricky words. I would like my teacher next year to know that I can learn a lot and I will never give up. My favourite part of being in Kindergarten is Investigations.

Kindergarten student


My favourite thing to do at school is read in the library. I am really good at reading and maths. In maths I really like it when my teacher gives us really hard maths questions. I like this because I like number maths - especially hard questions. In literacy I really like reading and writing because reading entertains me and my fingers have gotten used to forming the letters, which makes it more fun. I like it when our teacher is funny. My learning goals have been to write longer texts, improve in geometry and measurement and, write neater and smaller. I don't think I have reached my third learning goal yet. I think my next learning goals should be to use more complicated and exciting words in my writing. I would also like to improve my listening. I could do this by focusing on the person who is talking.

Year 2 student


I enjoy MAPPEN and learning about forces because it explains the world and most natural phenomenon. I am proud of my writing because I find it intriguing and I like engaging the reader to a world of my creation. I would like to improve in maths groups. I could do this by coming in with a positive outlook.

Year 4 student


I enjoy learning about maths because I get to learn new strategies and I like to problem solve. I am proud of maths and English because I have learnt a lot more in maths and I feel comfortable in my maths group. I am also proud in English because I have learnt to ask when I don't understand something. I would like to improve my science, geography and history. I could do this by asking more questions and try to concentrate more in those lessons.

Year 5 student


I enjoy learning about math because in math groups I am currently in the right level for my brain to keep up with what's going on. I am also really proud of how my behaviour has been this year because I have improved from last year. I am also happy that I have been selected for the Ben Venue leadership team. 

Year 5 student



And these are included purely because I enjoyed reading them:

I do really well at knowing a lot about dinosaurs and finding nature outside because I like nature. I would like to do better at learning. My favourite part of Kindergarten is playing on the bottom oval and my teacher. I also liked the Teddy Bear's picnic. I would like my teacher next year to know that I know a lot about dinosaurs and that I can even draw a stack of kitties in a big sock I hang up for Christmas and I can also draw a pumpkin that opens it's mouth.

Kindergarten student


My favourite thing to do at school is catching butterflies. I am really good at catching butterflies. In maths I really like learning about 3D shapes. I really like learning about maths. I am proud of me because I am learning how to do longer sentences. I would like to improve how to be focused. I could do this by listening.

Year 1 student

End of year activities

K-2 Assembly & Learning Showcase - Wednesday 14 December, 11:45 am

K-2 families are invited to an assembly, followed by Learning Showcase in children's classrooms. Families are then invited to stay for a BBQ organised by the P&C.


3-6 Assembly & Learning Showcase - Thursday 15 December, 11:45 am

3-6 families are invited to an assembly, including Year 6 graduation, followed by Learning Showcase in children's classrooms. Families are then invited to stay for a BBQ organised by the P&C.


Year 6 Formal Dinner - Thursday 15 December

Following the graduation assembly, Year 6 students are invited to a formal dinner to celebrate their time at Ben Venue. Invitations were issued last week.


Class celebrations

Each class will hold their own celebration to mark the end of the year.

Traffic safety reminder

Traffic congestion and limited parking has long been an issue in the streets surrounding Ben Venue. While I know this can cause frustration, I ask that families collecting students in the bus (tennis court) area consider the dangers of using this space. 


The focus of bus drivers is usually on the students at the bus bay as they approach the collection point. Cars reversing from the tennis club parking area on the opposite side of the road risk collision with buses approaching the school gate.


Most importantly, students should never be asked to cross the path of buses using the loop road, except on the designated pedestrian pathway. 


The drop-and-go / pick-up point at the Erskine St entry to the school is supervised between 3:10 pm and 3:30 pm each afternoon. While this area is very busy immediately after the school bell, the worst of the congestion has usually abated by 3:25 pm and this is the safest point for your child to be collected from school.


Due to delays, our Aboriginal design student shirts are unlikely to arrive before the end of the year. They will however be available for purchase early in Term 1. Details will be included in the newsletter as soon as they are available.


To encourage initial uptake of the shirts and to increase accessibility to all families, Ben Venue will subsidise the cost, meaning that they will be available for slightly under $20 each.


Over the past months, Ben Venue has been advertising for tenders to operate a school canteen. Unfortunately, we have not yet received any interest. We will continue to advertise, but the canteen will not be operational for the start of 2023 as hoped.

The Christmas sugar rush

The end of the year will be upon us before we know it. At this time, it is always lovely to see students' desire to give tokens of appreciation and holiday spirit to their peers. In advance, I ask that the following considerations are taken into account:

  • Many students have dietary requirements that prevent them from eating lollies.
  • Feedback from a number of families indicates that the stream of sugary treats disempowers parents and carers in their management of a healthy diet for their children.
  • Increase in sugar consumption has a clear and detrimental effect on students' ability to learn and get along with others.
  • Financial limitations place many families in the position of not being able to reciprocate gifts, which impacts upon relationships and self-esteem.

Should families wish to arrange small Christmas gifts for classmates, please consider low cost or hand-made cards, or perhaps contributing fruit to the end of year class celebrations. Thank you in advance for your assistance.



Cam Pryce
