Positive Education @ Anson

Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL)

'Tis the season to be respectful, responsible and safe. As the year comes to an end it is the perfect time to remember our school expectations and carry these into the holidays.

Be Respectful - to people you spend time with, new friends you meet, relatives you see over Christmas, and yourself!

Be Responsible - play by the rules, look after new presents, share and take turns and keep an eye on your mates.

Be Safe - as the weather gets hotter wear a hat and sunscreen, drink lots of water, remember the road rules when you are crossing, tell your parents where you are going and be home on time.


Final PBL Stars for 2022



Congratulations to these students who have been recognised as respectful, responsible and safe both at school and in the community.


Final PBL event this year will be a movie with popcorn and a Zooper Dooper for all students who have not received a major incident, formal caution or suspension this term. Well done to the students who are eligible to attend.  


Julie Hudson

PBL Coordinator

Deputy Principal



Positive Wellbeing for Learning - PWL

Another wonderful year at Anson Street School has passed. It has been exciting watching our students grow in kindness and gratitude and show curiosity towards their learning and hope for a positive future.

As we head into the holiday period our hope is that all our families have a relaxing and joy filled time together reflecting with gratitude all the wonderful achievements they have accomplished throughout the year.

Although the Christmas season is a time of joy, for many people it can be a time of stress, anxiety, disappointment or loneliness. Christmas comes with high expectations of happy families enjoying celebrations and gifts, but not all of us are able to live up to these ideals.

For those who have recently lost a loved one, Christmas can intensify feelings of grief and sadness.

Some people experience feelings of isolation, financial pressures or increased family conflict that can make this a very stressful time of year. If you feel the stress of the holiday season is getting too much there are many places to get support.

Beyong Blue 1300224636, Lifeline 131114, Kids Helpline 1800551800.


We wish all our families a very happy and safe Christmas and look forward to learning and growing with you in the New Year.