What's Happening

Workplace Learning

Work Experience and Workplace Learning has been incredibly successful in 2022. Students from Year 11 and 12 represented the school with aplomb, absolutely shining in their respective workplaces. We were fortunate enough to have a variety of businesses host our students for work experience and workplace visits:

  • Phil Lambert Kitchen & Joinery

Jack was excited to get on the tools and help out the team at Phil Lambert's Kitchen & Joinery. Working with a variety of machinery, Jack learned a lot about Health and Safety and how to operate as part of a team! Way to go!


  • Canobolas Family Pet Hospital 

Alex has hopes of becoming a vet nurse and showed that he has the drive and capabilities to work in a busy vet hospital. Alex was cleaning surgical implements, helping handle animals pre and post-surgery and even observing procedures. (He's got a stronger stomach than me!)




  • CricketNSW

Charlie has had the amazing opportunity to work with Angus the Cricket Coach at Wade Park. Angus has been working with Charlie on how to coach aspiring cricketers to bat, bowl and field. Charlie put me through my paces with a set of drills and games that he helped develop and hopes to continue this work next year.  






  • Ruby Hill Equine Centre

Elly proved once again how much of a hard worker she is when she went to Ruby Hill Equine Centre for Work Experience. Having a knack for animal husbandry and dreams of touring the Outback as a Jillaroo - from grooming and saddling horses to cleaning up their stables and mowing the paddock, Elly was outstanding at Work Experience. 






  • Radio 2EL

Nathaniel truly is the voice of Anson Street and his work experience at local radio station, Radio 2EL played to his strengths. Nathaniel researched the news of the day, edited commercial breaks and even recorded the weather - we're very proud of his effort!

  • Southern Cross Austereo

SCA were generous enough to host Duncan for the day at their recording studio and to help out at a Black Friday Shopping Event at Orange City Shopping Centre. Duncan made a guest appearance as a podcast guest on the popular hit109.5 radio show, observed the show's host as she edited her show and used his natural charisma to schmooze shoppers into splashing their cash.

  • Wangarang Industries

We are so lucky to have Wangarang Industries in our community. Every term Wangarang welcomes our students to engage in meaningful Work Experience. Ryan, Nathaniel, Billy and Dylan represented our school wonderfully, displaying incredible work ethic and ability. 




Liam Low

Engagement Officer




Orange Ex-Services Club Christmas Party

We once again welcome the volunteers from OESC as they host a Christmas party for our students on Wednesday 14th December. This year celebrates the 40th year that the club has provided sausage sandwiches, hot dogs, drinks, and ice blocks for our students to eat, while they wait for Santa to arrive with a book gift. This day is fully funded by the OESC and we thank them for their ongoing commitment to our students and our school.


Julie Hudson

Deputy Principal