Library News

Book Club

Book Club had its last official meeting last week and wow what a year we've had.  Safe to say the 'Club' was off the charts this year with Book Club members borrowing 791 books this year compared to last year with 356 books. The enthusiasm around the group was infectious. Book reviews were a plenty with many members contributing to our popular reads board. Four Dead Queens was voted the book of the year! If you haven’t read it, you’re missing out. We are having a special break up lunch on Tuesday with the library open to members only. Well done everyone and I look forward to another great year in 2020.

Your library in words

Holiday reading

As always I encourage everyone to grab a book just in case you have a quiet moment or an 'I'm bored' moment over the holidays. We have a crazy amount of awesome fiction you can borrow including fabulous true stories and visually splendorous graphic novels. Access to eBooks is available 24/7 and don't forget ClickView which has movies on there you won't find on Netflix!