Physical Education & Sport

Year 7 & 8 Boys Volleyball

Congratulations to the Year 7 & 8 boys volleyball teams on their successes today!


The Year 7s continuously improved throughout the day, and despite being undermanned in every game, they won their final match, and their losses were narrow.


The Year 8s didn't drop a set all day, and now progress to the next level! Congratulations!


Special thanks to Ziyad (Year 10) who was magnificent in coaching both teams, and was commended by all facilitators present on the day for his leadership.


Teacher MVP vote went to Nicolas of Year 8 who was valuable all day for his skills on the court and for the way he stayed upbeat all day, encouraging his teammates at every opportunity.


Year 7: Oscar , Moudy, Aymen, Hussein , Georg


Year 8: Damon , Robert, Anthony, Tony, Colin, Nicolas, Hassan, Luke


Intermediate Boys Cricket

On Monday the 26th of March, the Intermediate boy's cricket team took part in the inter-school cricket competition at Parker reserve. The team, consisting of Yr 9’s and 10’s, started the day optimistically but were all annoyed when we were informed that we had to go to our first period as one school had pulled out of the competition. This meant that we would have to win only one match in order to advance to the next round and our match would be against AIA. We lost the toss and were sent into the field, Adrian opened the bowling and created some good opportunities but unfortunately, we weren’t able to capitalise. Tynan got our first wicket with a nice piece of bowling and after another wicket fell the best batsmen from the other team came in. At this point the boys were a bit worried and that partnership was making runs at a steady rate without looking like getting out. After a couple of dropped catches, both batsmen were dismissed, but not before the other team had made a respectable score of around 100. At the start of our innings, we had high hopes with Spud and Tynan opening the batting as we expected both of these guys to bat deep into our innings, the opposing team's opening bowler had other ideas, clean bowling Spud on the second ball of our innings! From then on we couldn't really get our innings going, despite some decent batting by Tynan, Adrian and Mitchell. Eventually, we were all out and the game had been lost. A big thanks to David Fanning and David Norris-King for driving and supervising us for the day and a big thanks to all the parents who came out and supported us and helped on the day.


By Spud & Joab

Intermediate Girls AFL

Well done to our intermediate girls AFL team who played valiantly on Wednesday, and walked away as runners up.

We won the first two matches comfortably (13-1 and 43-6) but came up short in the last game by 20 points. Highlights included:

  • a high level of accuracy kicking for goal
  • our star basketballer Jacqueline being top goal scorer for the day, with more than 20 points to her name
  • the on field leadership of Siena and Peppa
  • seeing the dedication, talent and athleticism of Millzy when in full flight and hearing from other teams how well she’s respected for her skills
  • excellent ruck work from Peppa, Siena and Samantha
  • watching the two Year 8s Mia and Evie ripping through the midfield
  • the Year 10s who kept our spirits up with music and dancing throughout the day!

While the girls played with enthusiasm, it was also excellent to see them play with integrity, and represent our school with pride. All day they played hard, but they also played fair, and that is in keeping with our values.

We wish the best of luck to the junior girls football team that goes out next week!