Student Success

Pi Memorisation Competition

Maths students celebrated Pi day, March 14th (3.14). Pi Day coincides with International maths week and also happens to be Albert Einstein’s birthday. Pi is a very important number in maths. Most of us remember it is used when working out the area or perimeter of a circle. It is also used in many other areas of maths and the famous mathematician Leonhard Euler classified it as one of the 5 most significant numbers in mathematics. The Cranbourne East maths team had their second annual Pi Memorisation Competition last Thursday. There was an excellent turnout and some very excited students were ready to impress with their memory skills.


While most of us struggle to remember birthdays, phone numbers and login passwords, some of our students can memorise an astonishing array of numbers. Most students who entered the competition could recall Pi to over 20 decimal places. This is an excellent achievement as Pi is a completely random sequence of digits.


This year’s winner was able to memorise 120 digits!  Wow! Congratulations to Jodon Diaz of 7C, the 2018 Pi memorising champion. Jodon recalled, 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993 751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421 1706798214808651328230664