What's Happening?

Term 1

Tuesday 3rd March - Nominations for parent members of School Council close

Wednesday 4th March - Preps start attending school on Wednesdays

Monday 9th March - Labour Day Public Holiday - No School

Wednesday 18th March - GRIP Leadership Conference 

Friday 20th March - Lunch Time Harmony Day Activities for students

Friday 20th March - Family Focused Games and Food Night 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm

Tuesday 24th March - Student/Parent/Teacher Conferences

Wednesday 25th March - Student/Parent/Teacher Conferences

Parents and Friends Committee

Annual Confidential Student Information - 2020

This annual form was sent home with the eldest student in each family. It is the main source of contact and general permission information, so please read the note carefully, fill out the form and return it to school as soon as possible. This year the form is coloured GREEN. 


Forms are now overdue. If you have not returned your form yet please do so as soon as possible.

2019 Concert DVD

We still a some DVDs available from the 2019 School Concert - Sending Out an SOS!

DVDs are $10 each and available at the front office.