
Canteen Helpers

We are looking for volunteers to assist in opening the school canteen at lunchtimes. The canteen is open from 1:40 pm to 2 pm, with volunteers required from 1:30 pm to 2:10 pm, to sell icy poles and ice creams. Volunteers are required to have a current Working with Children's Check and may be parents, grandparents, family members or community members. A roster is done each month and published in the newsletter. If you or someone you know is interested in helping out in the school canteen, on either a regular or casual basis, please contact the office on 58621426.


Monday 2nd March - Help Required

Tuesday 3rd March - Help Required

Wednesday 4th March - Louise Cavallaro

Thursday 5th March - Help Required

Friday 6th March - Help Required

Monday 9th March - No School due to Labour Day Public Holiday

Tuesday 10th March - Help Required

Wednesday 11th March - Louise Cavallaro

Thursday 12th March - Help Required

Friday 13th March - Help required


All volunteers require a current Working With Children Check, these are available free for volunteers. If you do not have a current check please visit the following website and apply for a check -

Canteen Menu

Lunch Orders

Please see the new 2020 lunch order list attached. There has been some small price changes due to supplier price increases.