Notizie  Italiane

Buongiorno a tutti!

Natale is fast approaching and this week is our last full week of Italian. That means it is time for our Semester Italian Awards. These awards are presented based on the number of pegs students have earned over the semester. Pegs are given when students participate and have a go in class, and when they spontaneously use Italian and make connections between Italian and English.


 Here are the award winners in each class for Semester Two:

  • Prep:   Waylon, Alaina, Alessia, Orla, Hugh
  • 1/2RB: Jason, Ellie, Henry, Jeremy, Veronica
  • 1/2L:   Maddison, Maicy, Ayla, Juliet, Ruby
  • 3/4A:  Lucy, Libby, Tom, Blake, Sebastian
  • 3/4S:  Claire, Jude, Harry, Noah D, Elizabeth
  • 5/6K:  Sophie, Emily, Xavier, Ashton, Joe 
  • 5/6A:  Jess, Mietta, Ellyse, Raf, Sarah, Zoe

Complimenti a tutti!  These students will be acknowledged at the final assembly for the term on Monday 12th December. 


Thank you to everyone who has participated in the Italian Word of the Week challenges throughout the year.  We think a special mention goes to the students of 1/2RB (and Signora Rofe and Signora Bisby) who have been awarded Bandi the most number of times this year. Ben fatto!


In our classes, we have been discussing Italian Christmas traditions, including learning about La Befana, the kind old lady who brings children presents on the Epiphany (Jan 6th) just as the Three Kings brought gifts for the baby Jesus. 


Last Monday, the Year 3/4 students were fortunate to participate in a live Google Meet with a household in northern Italy. Nevio and Loredana, relatives of Orlando and Avana in Yr 3/4, stayed up very late to tell us lots of interesting things about living in Italy. Students had the opportunity to ask questions on topics they were keen to know about, including the Pope, popular foods, places in Italy, sport and schooling (we learnt that students in Italy have to go to school on Saturdays!).  Grazie to Isabel Nalato for facilitating this experience!

Across the course of this year, it has been wonderful to see students developing their understanding of Italy and growing in their confidence to use the Italian language.


Auguri di buon Natale!


Signora Chesterman, Signorina Liv and the Italian Leaders, Indi and Jacob