Diary Dates 

A full 'live' calendar can be found on our School Website via https://www.cckingsville.catholic.edu.au/calendar/


30th -  ABC Music Performance @ 2:00 pm

 -  Parent Support Group Meetings (PSGs)


2nd- Social Justice fundraising: Zooper Doopers  $1.00 each

5th - Advent Paraliturgy @ 9:00am (Year 1/2)

 - Whole School Transition experience 11:30am

6th - School Advisory Council Dinner 6:30pm

7th -  Parent Support Group Meetings (PSGs)

8th -  Parent Support Group Meetings (PSGs)

        - Year 6 Graduation Night 5:30 pm

9th -  Parent Support Group Meetings (PSGs)

-Social Justice fundraising: Zooper Doopers  $1.00 each

12th - Advent Paraliturgy @ 9:00am (Year 1/2)

          - Student Reports & Portfolios sent home

13th - Step-up Day

        - End of Year Picnic commencing at 5:00pm  & Concert commencing at 6:00 pm

16th -  End of Year School Mass @ 9:15 am

           - End of Term: Students finish at 1:00pm