From the Principal

Mrs Belinda Burton 


Teachers are offering parents the opportunity in Week 4 and or Week 5 to meet and  discuss 2023 student goals. 

The Kindergarten teachers will talk to their parents about the Bests Start Assessments.

LENT - Ash Wednesday the 22nd February is the first day of LENT.

Ash Wednesday, the first day of the Christian season of Lent.The marking of the Ashes on Ash Wednesday is an expression of our faith and a sign that we are asking God for forgiveness. 

Lent is a time of prayer, fasting and giving to others. Through prayer we come closer to God. Fasting joins us in solidarity with the poor who often have no choice but to go without basic needs such as food, water and shelter. Giving to the poor or ‘almsgiving’ is a sign of our commitment to justice and our thanks for all that God has given us.

Lent prepares us for the season of Easter, the most important time in the Church’s calendar. 


All families are welcome to join the school at Mass on Ash Wednesday at 12:30 in the Cathedral. 

Swimming Carnival 

Thank you Mr Lester, staff, students and parents for the amazing swimming carnival on Wednesday.

Congratulations to the children who were successful in their events.

A very big congratulations to the children who qualified for the Diocesan swimming carnival on the 24th February on Gunnedah.

Beginning of the School Year Mass

Congratulations to our 2023 student leaders who were presented with their school badges last Friday at Mass. I wish our 2023 student leaders all the best in their roles and may they fulfil their duties throughout the year with pride, care & respect.

It was wonderful that many of our parents & friends were able to join us for the Mass.

2023 National Servicemen's Commemoration Day Service

The Armidale and District National Servicemen's Association held a Commemoration Service on Sunday the 12th February at 11am at the National Servicemen's Monument in Central Park Armidale.


The service was in remembrance of the national servicemen (conscripts) who were killed in action during World War 2 and Vietnam, who died during their service and those who have passed away since completing their military obligations.


Our Captians & Vice Captians as well as myself represented our school at this service.


General Parent Information Evening

Thank you to the parents who were able to attend the Information meeting last Thursday.

A copy of the slides were emailed home to families on Friday for your information.

School Photos 

Thank you to MSP Photography for your work on Monday with the 2023 School Photos. Thank you also to parents for making sure the children were in their correct school uniform.  


Our school uniform develops a sense of school spirit and belonging within the student body. Uniforms identify our students for their own safety on and off-site and the health and safety of students when involved in school activities. Some specific uniform requirements, such as shoes, hair and jewellery, are directly related to student safety. The wearing of the correct school uniform is compulsory, and students are expected to arrive wearing it daily, ready to learn. Families are asked to ensure that each item of clothing is clearly labelled.


Uniform is a part of being Ready to Learn at St Mary's.

Armidale Show 4th & 5th March

I am looking forward to seeing the class art entries in the Show this year.  Good luck to all of our students and families who are entering events in the show.