Visual Arts

Imagination, creation and fun!

Visual Arts

Welcome back to the Visual Arts page!

What an amazing few weeks it has been. We have been celebrating our learning and growth in our personal 'Visual Arts Journey' this year, and what a year it has been. We have gained knowledge and skills in many areas of the art curriculum and have enjoyed reflecting and responding to our biggest areas of growth and setting goals for the future. 

The preps and grade 3/4s have been taking home their celebration show bags. Please take the time to look through their work and celebrate their successes. 

We have also been busy completing our end of year self portraits and have really enjoyed comparing them to the ones we did at the start of the year. All I can say about that is WOW! As I'm sure you will agree!  

We have been asked to submit work for the Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools Creative Arts Exhibition. Four individual pieces and a group piece were chosen. Congratulations to Marley S in 1/2, Polly C and Abbey G in 3/4, Sadie D in 5/6 and Jacob S, Eliza Y, Malcolm O, LuLu M and Zoe W were chosen from 5/6 for the group. We wish them luck in being selected for the exhibition.   

Christmas Art is in full swing and is such a fun way to end a wonderful year!

Help wanted! Hopefully the weather will stay nice over the next few weeks. If you are able I would love some parents to volunteer to take some art smocks home to wash over a weekend and return to me. Instead of sending individual smocks home for cleaning we are going to keep them as a set. I am hoping to have them all freshly laundered ahead of a fabulous new year! Please dojo Beth to organise pick up.