Child Safety...


Child Safety is Everybody’s Responsibility

As parents of children in Catholic schools, when you enrol your child, you should feel confident that their safety is a priority while at school and in the care of all members of the learning community. The care, safety and wellbeing of children is an essential and shared responsibility of everyone who attends, works or is involved in Catholic schools.




For a longer version of this video, and to view more video resources, go to the CECV YouTube channel.


For some additional information, watch our video: Why we focus on Child Safety

Additional resources for Catholic schools in Victoria are available on the Catholic Education Victoria Network (CEVN).


 The Catholic Education Commission of Victoria (CECV) is committed to providing a safe and nurturing culture for all children and young people across all Victorian Catholic Schools.


At the heart of this commitment is Christ’s message of love, hope, justice and the innate dignity of each person.


School communities understand there are many areas of safety to consider when children are in their care. All schools have a duty of care to ensure children are learning, not only in a safe physical environment, but within a community that consists of a whole school culture of child safety, where respect, understanding and compassion for others is an integral part of all that we do.


To genuinely work in partnership with you throughout your child’s education, it is important that you are informed and aware of the improvement and the ongoing strengthening of child safe practices being implemented by the Victorian Government across all schools in Victoria.


On 26th November 2015, the Victorian Parliament passed the Child Wellbeing and Safety Amendment (Child Safe Standards) Bill 2015 (Vic.) to introduce the Victorian Child Safe Standards into law. The 7 Child Safe Standards apply to all organisations working with children including schools.


In accordance with the Ministerial Order No. 870, from 1st August 2016 all Victorian schools (Catholic, Government and Independent) are required to have plans in place to meet the new Victorian Child Safe Standards.