Sydenham Campus Principal Message

Sydenham Campus Principals’ Report
2022 A Year of Champions
We are about to conclude our first full year of being on site since 2019- and what a busy year it has been. Term 4 is almost over but we have had many events preparing students for their 2023 year.
The Year 12 Class of 2022 finished up with a great Celebration Day and many ex Sydenham students visited the campus to say farewell to their junior campus teachers. It was great to see so many students dressed up and reconnecting with staff. We wish all of our year 12 students the best for their future pathways.
On October 27th all Year 7 and 8 students participated in a Solar Buddy Incursion. Solar Buddy gave students an excellent opportunity to learn about energy poverty. Our Year 7s and 8s completed a STEM activity that will ultimately support students living in energy poverty. Thank you to Ms Niazi, our Science Key Learning Area Leader for her support and organisation of the day.
On the same day, we had a lovely information evening for our African students and their families. Our College Community Liaison Officer Ms Ayak Mawein presented to a small but enthusiastic group
of families. We shared lots of information and a traditional meal.
Ayak works across all three campuses and is available to families via a phone call or email.
Our Performing Arts students continue to shine and share their talents with our community. The final music concert for the year was held at the Bowery Theatre in early November. Thank you to all the staff who helped prepare and support students for their performances.
Our new Year 7 2023 students attended an Information evening with their families and had the opportunity to meet their Home Group Teachers. There were lots of excited faces and many questions about the upcoming transition to secondary school.
Students will be returning to our campus on Tuesday December 13 for their orientation Day. Thank you to Ms Allison and Mr Atherton for their organisation of the evening.
Year 10 students have had a busy end to their time on the junior campus. Students undertaking the VCE-VM in 2023 attended the CHASE showcase on the Delahey campus. Students were introduced to the community project element of the Personal Development Strand. They had an opportunity to speak with current students and be introduced to the many community organisations who partner with the current VCAL program. Thank you to Ms Breen for extending the invitation to our students.
Year 10 students have also participated in another Delahey Experience afternoon this term. These sessions have been running throughout the year in response to student feedback relating to the transition from the junior to the senior campus. Students were grouped in their 2023 Mentor classes and had the chance to meet their Kings Park peers. Thank you to Ms Martin and the Delahey Campus and Team Leaders for making the day so engaging. The Pathways Strategic Plan Team has been very proactive in leading the transition work and this was also evidenced by the organisation that went into the VET Orientation. Thank you to Ms Zahra and Ms Hack/Ms Pryor for their continued support of our students.
Year 10 students are currently completing their semester 2 exams on the Delahey campus before beginning their 2023 courses. Prior to leaving the campus they were treated to a wonderful farewell celebration day including sporting activities, a lip synch battle, trivia challenge and an assembly. As per last year, students also enjoyed a lunch provided by the Campus Principals. Thank you to our campus captains, Suela and Jazmin who with Ms Niazi put the program together for the day.
The final event for our students was the Year 10 Formal. It was a lovely way to officially say goodbye after 4 years on the Sydenham campus. Students all looked very fashionable and the camaraderie amongst the group was clearly visible by the packed dance floor for most of the evening.
Thank you to Ms Martin, Ms Koroneos and Mr Riccobene for their leadership of the students this year, and also to the Year 10 Home Group and class teachers and support staff for all of their care.
There are still many events to take place this term and we look forward to Year 9 exams on 2/12 and 5/12 and then the Step Up program for all students in Years 7-9. There will also be an awards afternoon on Monday 12/12 to recognise and celebrate the achievements of our students. Students will also have the chance to participate in activities and Year 9 students will confirm their 2023 courses before the end of term.
On behalf of Mr Chung, Mr Hasip, Mr Riccobene, Ms Koroneos, Ms Martin and Mr Atherton, and all out teaching and ES staff, we wish all our students and families a well earned end of year break.
Ms Mary Chiodo and Dr Michael Gruis Campus Principals