School News

Mr Irwin's Message


Hello families, and welcome to this week’s and 2022’s final newsletter for the year!

Yesterday morning Senior School’s Students had the privilege of listening to current year 5 students give their speeches to apply for leadership positions in the school for 2023. 

I was blown away with the quality of speeches we heard from all of the students. Students have had the chance to vote for who they’d like to see as leaders for next year, and these positions will be announced at our final assembly on Friday the 16th of December which begins at 1pm.


With any selection process like this that occurs in school, there are going to be some disappointed students not being selected for a leadership opportunity. Experiencing setback in situations such as this is something we all experience throughout our lives. Whilst we are excited for the students who will be chosen and receive an opportunity to lead in 2023 we acknowledge that there are students who have prepared and given excellent speeches to their peers that will unfortunately miss out on a position. 

Class Structure 2023

We have now finalised our class structure ahead of our Transition Day next Tuesday morning. Here’s what the class structure looks like for next year;


A Junior Team of two Foundation Classes and three year 1-2 classes.

A Middle Team of a 2-3 class and two 3-4 classes.

A Senior team of one 4-5 class and two 5-6 classes. 


Each year when managing enrolment numbers we need to develop a class structure that matches the needs of students across the school. This structure allows for a good spread of class numbers across the school, and keeps classes working in collaborative teams which is a vital part of how our teachers work so successfully together. 


On Tuesday students will spend time with their class group and classroom teacher. In the morning students will arrive at school and meet under the COLA. From there they will head off with their 2023 class to their 2023 classroom. 

Graduating Year 6 Students

On Tuesday night we Graduate our year 6 students, which is always a special occasion. We’ve watched these students develop and grow since they started their time at Teesdale Primary School, many as early as 2016. The group has gotten bigger over time and whenever they arrived we are proud of the people they have become and their achievements in their time with us at Teesdale.


They are visiting their secondary schools on Tuesday as part of Statewide Transition. On behalf of our community, we wish them the best in their first steps into secondary school and also for after their time at Teesdale Primary.

Final Day for 2023

Our final day for 2023 will be a day of celebration. It’s a chance to come in Christmas clothes, farewell our year 6 students, celebrate our SWAG award winners and do some final practice before we perform our songs at the Twilight market later on that evening. I’ve added the lyrics below to the song our senior students have helped reboot to have a more Teesdale theme!

For those who cannot make our final assembly, this will be streamed via Facebook so you can join in. 


Bye for now and have a great week. 

Orientation Day Invitation for all New Students

All new students commencing in 2023 are warmly welcomed to attend our Orientation Day on Tuesday 13th December from 9.15am to 11.15am. 


Please see the attached invitation with further information.

Community OSH News

Please see the attached newsletter for the latest OSH news.


Remembrance Day Appeal 2022

Healthy Lunch Box Choices and Nude Food

Please help reduce waste in our school by packing 'Nude Food' (food without excess packaging) in your child's lunch box. The Healthy Lunch Box Pick & Mix posters below provide some good Nude Food options.