
Happy Mother’s Day

This Sunday is Mother’s Day and our thoughts and best wishes are especially extended to all mothers this Mother’s Day. May they know our richly deserved appreciation for their love and care.


So, for all mothers, I offer this prayer:


God our Creator

You know intimately all those who ‘mother’ and bring new life.

We take time to acknowledge and give thanks to those who teach, guide, encourage and heal.


We pray:

for new mothers, coming to terms with new responsibilities; 

for expectant mothers, wondering and waiting;

for those who are tired, stressed or depressed;

for those who struggle to balance the tasks of work and family; 

for those who are unable to feed their children due to poverty;

for those whose children have physical, mental or emotional disabilities; 

for those who raise children on their own;

for those who have lost a child;

for those who care for the children of others; 

for those whose children have left home; and 

for those whose desire to be a mother has not been fulfilled.


Bless all mothers, that their love may be deep and tender and that they may lead their children to know and do what is good, living not for themselves alone, but for God and for others.




Uniform Change Over and Review

Recently I have been reading articles on why schools have a school uniform. There a large number of reasons for school uniforms and five that consistently come up are:

  1. It gives the students a sense of unity and equality between them; 
  2. It increases safety by reducing some of the reasons for bullying to occur;
  3. Streamlined morning preparation 
  4. They are safe and practical as students are dressed appropriately for their learning, especially in areas such as science and technology;
  5. School uniform creates a feeling of pride in the student school. 

With the last point, Pride is a theme worth further discussion. We all want pride in our school, pride in our learning, and pride in the way we represent the College. It begins with students taking pride in being part of the school and that is shown in the way we wear our uniform wearing the school uniform. Now, with the change in seasons and the change from summer to winter uniforms, it is essential that all students are wearing complete and proper uniforms, including the wearing of blazers.


All staff will be challenging students who are not attired with the correct uniform and I thank all families in advance for their support.


House Cross Country 

Thank you to everyone involved with the House Cross Country yesterday, particularly Jay Baker and Donna Wylie. Thank you as well to all our students for their active participation.


Congratulations to Tenison House for taking first place honours for the event. 


Details of individual Age Group winners as well as the House results are in this newsletter. 


Child Safety

You are probably aware that new Child Safe Standards came into force in Victoria on 1 July 2022. The previous standards were revised, and inclusions were made. There were a number of new inclusions and other elements were more clearly defined.


Student Voice was one area given a specific standalone standard. Safe Standard 3 is dedicated to children and young people being empowered about their rights and participating in decision-making forums that affect them. To comply with Child Safe Standard 3 Mary MacKillop Catholic Regional College must, at a minimum ensure:

3.1    Children and young people are informed about all of their rights, including to safety, information and participation.

3.2    The importance of friendships is recognised and support from peers is encouraged, to help children and young people feel safe and be less isolated.

3.3    Where relevant to the setting or context, children and young people are offered access to sexual abuse prevention programs and to relevant related information in an age-appropriate way.

3.4    Staff and volunteers are attuned to signs of harm and facilitate child-friendly ways for children and young people to express their views, participate in decision-making and raise their concerns.

3.5    Organisations have strategies in place to develop a culture that facilitates participation and is responsive to the input of children and young people.

3.6    Organisations provide opportunities for children and young people to participate and are responsive to their contributions, thereby strengthening confidence and engagement.


We have recently demonstrated Standard 3 through the consultation with students in regard to the updated Digital Device Policy and in regard to updating elements of our uniform, including formal shorts for female students and updating and having more appropriate sports shorts and track pants for all students (more details will be in the next newsletter).


Two other Standards that been given more prominence and are:

  • Standard 1 – Organisations establish a culturally safe environment in which the diverse and unique identities and experiences of Aboriginal children and young people are respected and valued; and
  • Standard 5 - Equity is upheld and diverse needs respected in policy and practice

Standard 1 minimum requirements are:

1.1    A child’s ability to express their culture and enjoy their cultural rights is encouraged and actively supported.

1.2    Strategies are embedded within the organisation which equip all members to acknowledge and appreciate the strengths of Aboriginal culture and understand its importance to the wellbeing and safety of Aboriginal children and young people.

1.3    Measures are adopted by the organisation to ensure racism within the organisation is identified, confronted and not tolerated. Any instances of racism are addressed with appropriate consequences.

1.4    The organisation actively supports and facilitates participation and inclusion within it by Aboriginal children, young people and their families.

1.5    All of the organisation’s policies, procedures, systems and processes together create a culturally safe and inclusive environment and meet the needs of Aboriginal children, young people and their families.


Standard 5 minimum requirements are:

5.1       The organisation, including staff and volunteers, understands children and young people’s diverse circumstances, and provides support and responds to those who are vulnerable.

5.2       Children and young people have access to information, support and complaints processes in ways that are culturally safe, accessible and easy to understand.

5.3       The organisation pays particular attention to the needs of children and young people with disability, children and young people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, those who are unable to live at home, and lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex children and young people. 

5.4       The organisation pays particular attention to the needs of Aboriginal children and young people and provides/promotes a culturally safe environment for them. 


With respect to both standards, we recognized Cultural Diversity Week last term, and this term we will be celebrating Reconciliation Week, May 27- June 3: Theme “Be a voice for generations”. My thanks to Laura Muranty, our Cultural Liaison Leader, and Maydia Parry for their ongoing work and support of our students and for building a culturally safe and inclusive environment at our school.


Additionally, my thanks to our Justice Leaders who are being supported by Nicole Dudman for promoting and recognising International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, and Transphobia. (IDAHOBIT) Day next Wednesday. This day is recognised worldwide on May 17 and its purpose is clearly stated in its name. 


These actions, I hope send a clear message that we celebrate the diversity of our community and that all people at Mary MacKillop Catholic Regional College feel welcome, safe, and included. 


Catholic Education Week

Our school, along with the 45 Catholic schools in the Diocese of Sale, will celebrate Catholic Education Week from 19 May to 26 May. 


The theme for this year’s celebrations is Catholic Schools – Places of Encounter. ‘Let the words you speak always be full of Grace’, based on Colossians 4:6. 


Catholic schools are more than just buildings where students come to learn. They are Places of Encounter where students can grow academically, spiritually, and personally.” 


The ‘Speaking with Grace’ theme invites us to consider the power of our words and the impact our words may have on others. Words have the power to inspire, uplift, and transform lives but they can also be hurtful or discouraging. This year’s theme aims to encourage students and those in our school community to use their words to build up others, to speak out against injustice, and to spread love and hope in the world. 


Catholic Education Week is an opportunity for all Catholic schools to celebrate our distinctive mission and share features that are special about our schools. 


Members of our staff will be attending a Leadership Mass and Dinner to celebrate and recognise outstanding service and excellence of staff and students in Catholic education in our Diocese in Traralgon on Friday, 19 May.


Year 6 Days

Over the last two weeks, we have hosted students from our Catholic Primary schools Cowes and Wonthaggi, and then Korumburra and Leongatha.


Following on from the day with St John's Koo Wee Rup and State Primary School students, these experiences were a great success and again I express my thanks to Claire Cassidy, Zac Cox, and Carly Kitchingman for their organisation. Thank you to Nicole Dudman and our Liturgy captains for the liturgy to start the day and also my appreciation to Jay Baker, Sally Newton, David Robinson, Daniel Isgro, Ben Abbott, Mary Tye, and the Library Team – Maydia Parry, Tara Cox and Tracey Bugbird for their work with the students.


Year 7 2024 Enrolments

I would like to remind all current families that enrolment applications are due on 31 May 2023. Formal applications must be made for students for enrolment into Year 7 next year. We will accept applications after that date, but as a matter of justice, priority will be given to those who have submitted their applications on time. 


Sapientia Domini Docet Nos

John M Freeman