Positive Climate for Learning

A Spotlight on Learning at ACS
In Prep, we have been working on accurately counting collections of numbers, including reading and recognising written numbers. Our Prep students have been eagerly counting their days at school with a celebration planned once we reach 100 days! Our Preps are loving hands-on learning and playing maths games with their classmates to practise their counting skills!
Year 4
In Year 4, students have been learning about representing multiplication using arrays. They have been using their knowledge to play the ‘Array game’. Using two dice the students have to roll, draw that array on grid paper and write the equation. First student to fill their page is the winner. Students will continue to focus on their ‘fast facts’ for addition, subtraction and multiplication.
Year 10-12
This semester, VPC and ASDAN have been working together to set up our Creek Cafe. Students have been collaborating together to create lunches for the staff to enjoy every Thursday. Each week they create a weekly menu and so far have made toasties, pizzas, and salad bowls. We have received some AMAZING feedback from ACS staff and continue to make improvements to ensure we are serving high quality lunches. Below is a review from one of our staff!
“Just as my tummy grumbled for attention, I was lovingly served my ACS cafe lunch. Let me describe it to you. Fresh sourdough. Crunchy buttery outside. Generously composed with the holy trinity of toastie fillings; ham, cheese and tomato. WOW. The highlight of my day. Bon appetit! Michelle T
Specialist Awards
Hi Everyone,
Students have all returned from the holidays, refreshed and keen to express their creativity. It has been a joy to see the enthusiastic faces every lesson. Well done ACS community!
This term, all students in P-6 and 7-9 will be participating in Visual Arts.
Within learning time, the year levels have been focusing on the following,
This term the Prep students have been learning about colour theory and the order of the colours of the rainbow. They have used this knowledge to create beautiful rainbow sun artworks using rainbow inks. They have also been learning about print making. Students have been printing various shapes to create shape robots. They have also used bold colours to paint their robots
Year 1
This term students in Year 1 have explored colour, painting and mixed media collages. They have explored collage by creating an icy pole stick tree house. Students have also been building their creativity and exploring form and shape to create a 3D glow octopus using a range different technique and found objects such as stockings and bubble wrap. They will also be leaning about symmetry, painting their own symmetrical butterfly and colouring with soft pastels, creating different tones of the one colour. These artworks will be part of our term 3 art show display
Year 2
Grade 2 have it the ground running this term exploring self-portraits in a whole new way. Students have illustrated themselves ad mixed watercolour paint to create a skin tone that reflects their own. This self-portrait is part of a larger ‘I’m a gardener’ piece where students will explore painting plaid patterned clothing and create paper relief flowers. These large-scale pieces will be part of our Term 3 Art show.
Years 3
In Grade 3 students are continuing their exploration of varying viewpoints in their artwork. Last term they enjoyed creating cactus illustrations from a ‘worm’s eye view. This term students are creating an underwater “crab’s eye view’ silhouette painting. This artwork involved fine paint work, understanding how to use a thin tip brush and using glow in the dark paint. Students will also be consolidating their understanding of colour theory and movement creating lava oil pastel lamps, creating various tones of colour. These artworks will be part of our term 3 art show display
Year 4
This term students in Year 4 have been constructing 3D cactus sculptures that explore the techniques of split joints. They have also been using neon colours, pipe cleaners and pom poms to decorate their cactus sculptures. Students have also been exploring Pablo Picasso long exposure light paintings and used this inspiration to create their own long exposure artworks on the iPads using glow sticks.
Years 5
The grade 5 students have started to explore print making by creating a Radial symmetry print, students will be making their own foam printing plate and brightly coloured handmade printing paper. Students will also explore form or 3D shape, creating a cake sculpture using Modroc. They will be building their creativity and applying their understanding of how to best assemble objects to create a 3D artist form. These artworks will be part of our term 3 art show display.
Year 6
Grade 6 students have been challenging themselves by creating realistic still-life illustrations of magpies. This work required right-brain thinking, oil pastel blending and water colour painting techniques. Once complete students are beginning to design a logo and tin can label for their peace themed tin cans. This project required a range of marketing and design skills and techniques, with students imagining, naming and designing their own product around the theme of peace and kindness. These artworks will be part of our term 3 art show display.
Students in 7-9 and ASDAN have been creating larger than life Modroc sculptures. These donut sculptures have been inspired by the 1950 and 60 Pop artists and represent the
students favourite flavour donuts. Students began by creating an internal armature from newspaper and tape and have carefully covered the donut with layers of plaster bandage or Modroc. These plaster sculptures have then been painted and sprinkled with dyed rice to represent the classic donut sprinkle. These will be another exhibit in our upcoming Term 3 art show.