Principal's Report

Dear Parents, Families and Community members,
Principal Update
What a busy time we've had since our last newsletter! You will read below about many of the activities and events we've had in the last couple of weeks - with many more still to come.
As mentioned earlier in the year, one of our biggest strategic goals in 2023 is to continue to promote and build an orderly and focused learning environment. The leadership team has recently completed professional learning with international expert Tom Bennett from the UK. In Term 3 the rest of the staff will commence similar training to help support the implementation of our SWPBS framework and the introduction of some clear, concise school-wide behavioural norms or routines. From there we hope to share with our families an update so that you have a level of understanding and context when your child/ren come home talking about the new learnings they will experience in this area.
Striving for inclusive practice in education
Earlier this year I was asked to contribute to a thought leadership article responding to considering inclusive practices in education. Specifically I was asked to respond to reports on alarming research from Griffith University discussing teachers' beliefs about inclusion of all students in the classroom.
Writing my response was almost too easy because belief is at the core of everything we do at ACS. But considering things more objectively - if the role of education is to improve student achievement, wellbeing and growth in learning, what quantifiable measure would ever determine this has been achieved if you can't clearly demonstrate it has been done for all?
Since opening our doors back in 2018 with a unique enrolment provision that sees mainstream and special education combined, our identity as the ‘inclusive school’ is something we have continually grappled with. Inclusion is important to us. However, the notion of being labelled so implies a sense that inclusion in itself is the only thing we are here to do. For us, inclusion is not the ultimate objective – our goal as educators remains; to improve student achievement, wellbeing and growth in learning. Of course we do recognise the significant role an inclusive mindset and approach plays when educating a diverse range of learners. The difference for us is that inclusion is not the outcome or something we do; rather, it is how our behaviour, professional practice and actions reflect a belief that all children can learn.
From the outset we knew we had to start with core beliefs. We needed to identify the barriers which have historically stymied teachers from practising inclusion and then invest heavily to address these; for instance, staff capacity and expertise, distribution of resources, instructional practices, and even the learning environment itself. The rationale? Instead of trying to force learners to fit within an existing system, we would transform the structures themselves to reflect the diverse needs of all learners.
In establishing these structures, systems, and knowledge, the necessary foundations were set, inclusive practices well supported and improved learning outcomes for all realised. In turn, beliefs about inclusion are now firmly cemented and embedded in our culture. When reflecting now on the positive impact this work has had on student learning outcomes, one might now argue that we haven’t achieved success despite having a diverse range of learners, rather, we have achieved success because of it.
Over the last five years we have had to tackle the many misconceptions out there about inclusive education; myths like inclusion being a barrier to success or that inclusion jeopardises the quality of education for others. In our sixth year we can confidently demonstrate that when we see inclusion itself as the ultimate enabler and not a barrier, everyone wins.
If you would like to read further, access the article in full here.
Year 4 Camp Wrap Up
In Week 1 of Term 2, our Year 4 students packed their bags, got on the bus and headed to Camp Wyuna. Our camp went for three days and two nights. Over our time there, we participated in many activities - such as archery, pizza making, beach challenges, team initiatives, gaga pit championships, scavenger hunts, night walks and a fort tour of the Queenscliffe Fort.
Students did an incredible job at being a positive representation of ACS - consistently showing Care, Collaboration and Commitment during their stay. They did duty groups, cleaned their cabins, and were kind and respectful to all of the Camp Wyuna staff. We ate some delicious food - including chicken schnitzels, pasta, a bbq and wraps, as well as many bowls of cereal and toast in the morning (unlimited breakfast definitely got its worth!) With a huge variety of favourite activities from the trip, we hope you enjoy the video below of our amazing time at Camp Wyuna! Well done, Year 4s!
Maddi Lynch, Leading Teacher, Year 3 and 4
Sibling Photos Friday 9/6/2023
We have confirmed a date with MSP Photography for sibling photos to be taken. This will be on Friday 9/6/2023.
What to do next:If you have already ordered a sibling photoNothing for you to do except have the students looking fabulous on Friday 9/6/2023!
If you would like to order a sibling photo and have not previously done soPlease call MSP Photography directly on 9115 1642You will then receive a Shootkey to place the order online via MSP website, or you can place the order over the phone.Photos will then be sent to the school when processed \ printed and sent home with your eldest child.
District Cross Country 8/5/2023
District Cross Country was held at Eastern Park in Geelong (City), it took twenty-five minutes to get there.
When we got there, we set up our group spot. There were six schools involved, ACS, Torquay Coast PS, Liesux PS, St Catherine of Siena Primary School, Geelong Lutheran College and Nazareth Primary School.
The people that went first were the 9-10 girls. They ran 2km, and it was the same distance as the 9-10 Boys.
After that it was the 11-12 Girls and Boys, they ran 2.5km. It was only 500m longer than the 9-10 Boys and Girls. Finally it was the 13-year-olds race, they ran 3km.
Next it was the ribbon presentation, students got a ribbon if they came 1st, 2nd or 3rd out of the six schools including our school (Armstrong Creek Primary). This is why you should try and make it to districts.
We had a great time competing. Well done to all the students who made it to Districts and special thanks to Cassie (Cruz's mum) and Mel (Ziggy's mum) for being our parent volunteers and being marshals on the day. Big thanks to Tanner (student teacher) who rode the bike around the course. Finally, thanks to Jacquie and Zoe for taking us along.
Thanks for reading this article about District Cross Country. Alfie R and Audrey M
Mother's Day Stall 11&12/5/2033
Thank you to our wonderful PACC team who effortlessly ran the Mother's Day Stall this year, sourcing gifts, organising rosters, and assisting students with their purchases on the 2 days. There were certainly lots of smiles and excitement from the students when purchasing gifts for their special person and we hope you were all spoiled on the day.
Year 3-12 Athletics 16/5/2023
On Tuesday the 16th of May out 3-12 students participated in our House Athletics. They competed in two track events, 100m sprint and 200m sprint. The field events were shot put, discus, long jump, triple jump and high jump. Each student that competed earned points for their House colour. All of our students had a great time showing care, collaboration and commitment. We saw so many students cheering on their peers and congratulating winners after races and events.
We are so proud of our students here at ACS and the resilience and effort that they show at all sporting events.
Teachers are busily entering in results so we can add up all the points and then announce our House colour winner at our next whole school assembly. Students will find out if they have made it into the next round for Division Athletics in the coming weeks.
Thank you to all of our teachers, ES staff and parent helpers and supporters. We appreciate it so much.
Rhiarn, Zoe and Gabby
Year 5-6 AFL Gala Day 17/05/2023
The Year 5 and Year 6 Boys recently participated in an Interschool AFL Gala Day on Wednesday 17/5/2023. We competed against Torquay Coast P.S, Geelong Lutheran College, Nazareth Catholic School, St Catherine of Sienna Catholic P.S and Lisieux Catholic P.S.
We played each team once in a round robin tournament and we played on reduced half ovals. Oberon High School students volunteered to be our Field Umpires; they did an amazing job.
When we arrived at Armstrong Creek Reserve all the schools got together and were told about the rules. Then we began to play our round robin. ACS only won one game, but we really enjoyed ourselves.
A special shout out to Spencer in year 6 who represented us in the longest kicking competition, and he finished 3rd. Awesome work Spencer!
Thank you to our parent helpers who fed us oranges, snakes and helped keep track of the score and to Ben for coaching us.
Best of luck to Torquay Coast P.S who were undefeated and will be moving on to the next round.
Book Fair 23-26 May 2023
Reading for pleasure unlocks the power of information and imagination and helps children discover who they are. Here’s what you can do to help children develop stronger reading skills and a love for reading:
- Set the example. Let children see you read.
- Have a collection of books in your home. Update this collection routinely to keep up with changing tastes and reading skills.
- Support our school’s Book Fair. Allow your children to choose their own books to read.
The theme of our Scholastic Book Fair is Bookaneer Book Fair. It’s a fun reading event that brings the books kids want to read into our school. It’s a wonderful selection of engaging and affordable books for every reading level. Please make plans to visit our Book Fair and be involved in shaping your child’s reading habits.
Visiting Times : In the Resource Room in the Admin Building
Tue 23 May 3:00 - 3:45 pm
Wed 24 May 8:40 - 8:55am & 3:00 - 3:45 pm
Thu 25 May 8:40 - 8:55am & 3:00 - 3:45 pm
Fri 26 May 8:40 - 8:55am
Have a great weekend everyone!
Kathryn Sier
Acting Principal