
Please find attached our flyer and a link to a promotional video for our upcoming TARA (Teenage Aggression: Responding Assertively) parent workshop.
The workshop is a free group for parents and carers who are managing aggressive and challenging behaviour from adolescent children.
We will be running the group in person from our Eaglemont offices on Wednesday 24th and 31st May between 9.30 -12.30pm.
Chillout - Epping
City of Whittlesea Youth Services are hosting ‘Chill Out at Epping’ sessions on Thursdays 3:30pm – 5:30pm at Epping Community Centre (378 Find Road, Epping).
These informal hang out sessions will include games & activities for young people aged 12 – 18. Drop in and meet the youth staff for some hot chocolate and toasties!
Our first session will start on Thursday 18th May 2023.
No bookings required!
Feel free to get in touch with Jansu at baseline@whittlesea.vic.gov.au if you have any questions or would like further information.
Tuning into Teens - Parents & Carers Info Session
Headspace Greensborough will be hosting a free Information Session for Parents and Carers on the Tuning Into Teens program.
Please note this information session is aimed at parents and carers of young people and is not a professional development session.
Our one-hour webinar will introduce key themes such as adolescent development, what to expect from the program, and the benefits of emotion coaching.
If you are, or work with parents/carers of young people, please feel free to forward on the attached flyer and link to sign up to the webinar [link here].