Year 9 Community Music

Year 9 Community Music Performance, Term 1
In Year 9 Community Music, students practice in a small ensemble, then perform a song of their choosing at the end of term.
At the end of last term, four ensembles had practised enough to perform their songs in the new band room. The band room space is a purpose-built music studio with state-of-the-art mixers, speakers and instruments.
The community music program provides a chance for students to get the feel of performing on a stage, in front of an audience and under lights.
If you are interested in joining the Epping Secondary College music program, we currently run out-of-class ensembles which rehearse at lunchtimes, a junior choir, as well as informal bands that students form on an ad-hoc basis.
The school offers instrumental music lessons in singing, guitar, bass guitar, keyboards and drums. These occur alongside classroom music programs in Years 7, 8 and 9.
Ric Gill-Atkinson and Lewis O’Leary