Urban Harvest

Urban Harvest – Epping Secondary College Winter Vegetable Garden
The Urban Harvest students across year 11 and 12 Vocational Major and VPC, are extremely proud of their efforts, after a successful and bountiful harvest of winter greens.
The garden produce was donated to the Greenbrook Community House and its supporting members, as a sincere thank you to the Greenbrook Community House for their continued and valued support of the Urban Harvest program for the past two years.
For the past eighteen months, the Urban Harvest students gained valuable gardening skills and knowledge by volunteering at the community house, and the students have now been able to apply their expertise and experiences to run their own vegetable plot at the college.
The students will now begin to plant the second winter crop rotation and propagate beneficial flowers such as marigolds, to help keep those winter pests at bay!
Stay tuned for our green ribbon opening in Term 2 where the name of our school garden will be revealed.
The Urban Harvest students will be organising a student & teacher survey, to allow the college community to have their say on the official garden name.
For those keen green thumbs out there, click on the attachment to access the planting calendar.
Ms Neri
Urban Harvest Classroom Teacher