Structured Workplace Learning

Structured Workplace Learning (SWL)
As part of the VCE VM and VET programs, students undertake a Structured Workplace Learning placement (SWL).
SWL compliments the VET training undertaken. It allows students the practical application of industry knowledge and increased employment opportunities.
You can find SWL opportunities anywhere; local businesses, family friends and if you need more help, there is a portal for finding SWL.
The link to the portal is
We have over 150 students undertaking VET as part of their VCE VM studies at Epping Secondar y College, therefore finding a SWL opportunity can be difficult.
Although your child may not fit into an industry that you can offer, there may be another student from Epping you can give an opportunity to learn on the job to.
Students are undertaking a variety of studies from a range of industries - Carpentry, Automotive, Plumbing, Business, IT, Beauty, Music and Horticulture!
If you can provide a placement at your business or workplace or know someone who can - Please let us know