P&C News 

P&C President's Report


Dear Boambee Community,


As the weather is getting cooler, if you need a new school jacket please get your orders in now. The Uniform Shop is stocked and we won't be making another order until stock runs low.


This week we thank Boambee school staff for hosting the much anticipated Mother's Day Breakfast. We have not had one since before covid and we are very much looking forward to joining our children, the community and school staff to celebrate mothers, caregivers and grandmothers all around. 


Don't forget the Mother's Day Stall will also be back at school this week. We have some great gifts that we will be selling to raise money for the choir to sing at the Sydney Opera House. What a worthy cause, please support us in supporting your children. 


I hope everyone has had a great start to Term 2 and I look forward to seeing you all at the Mother's Day Breakfast this Friday. 


Tasanee Alam 

P&C President