PBL Focus

Our next PBL focus is helping students to understand how to be resilient and 'Ask For Help'. This is an important skill that requires a number of steps and help from an adult. 

Students will be learning to work through the following steps:

  • Know if the problem is a small problem or a big problem.
  • Try 1 or 2 of Nunguu's choices.
  • Ask for help if the problem is not resolving or if someone is upset.
  • Ask for help if the problem is big or it has been going on for a while. 
  • Ask for help if someone might get hurt.


PBL Awards 

Congratulations to the following students who received a PBL award at Friday's assembly:


KH - Harper Long

KT - Mia Morton

1L - Ella Jeffrey

1D - Phoebe Eggins 

2H - James Armstrong

2B - Phoenix Zukowski-Jurd

2/3RM - Storm Engel

3P - Isla Rogan

3N - Cohen McIlveen

4S - Aysha Laurie

4G - Dominic Singleton

5M - Lakaya Rix

5B - Ash Hicks

6G - Josh Gosewisch

6D - Heidi Sorenson